I've just finished reading Don Watson's Death Sentence, about the decay of public language. You have to applaud someone who is willing to say that "John Howard's Dear Fellow Australian letter might have been been written by Harold the shopkeeper in 'Neighbours': if ever there was a chap to say Alert but not alarmed, it is Harold" (page 159
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Comments 4
I stumbled over yours via a discussion about HP fanfiction. Shouldn't lurk, sorry. I hope you don't mind. I really liked what you had to say, so I finally ended over here.
Just thought you should know: the French word for entrepreneur is entrepreneur. *ahem*. I even think we frogs may have had it first - but I'm not sure and very unwilling to enter into any sort of pissing contest with George W. unless I am actually allowed to aim him *g*
anyway. aim AT him, of course. and enter a contest. Phhhew.
*going to bed*
Oh, I know. (I speak some French - very, very badly, though I can read it fairly well.) I was just desperately hoping that one of the most powerful men in the world *hadn't* been quite that stupid. Alas, it wasn't to be.
Unfortunately, our PM's turned into Shrub's annoying little shadow, so I'd very much like to throw something (what's a suitably gluggy French dessert?) at both of them.
Nice to meet you, by the way.
Shrub *g*
There's a Belgian fellow who specializes in throwing good old classic "tartes à la crème" into famous people's faces, maybe you should go for that. I'm sure he'd even be delighted to help you - and me too. He calls himself "l'entarteur". You may have heard about him, he had a go at Bill Gates - whose bodyguards were NOT amused.
Curiosity got the better of me and I checked in the dictionary: entrepreneur is indeed borrowed from the French, where it has been used in that context since *ahem* circa 1430. Methinks Mr. Bush should do us all a favor and go back to school. Preferably starting all over again with grade one *g*
I'm going away for 2 weeks (vacation - yay!), but I'll come by when I'm back if you don't mind. Take care!
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