Friday Freaky Fun

Sep 12, 2014 15:37

Okay, so Halloween is coming up and so is Fall. Because I enjoy doing craft-ish things, I couldn’t resist when my hubby showed me a link on Facebook that took me to the Mason Jar Crafts Love site. There are so many fun projects there! I chose a couple that I loved and got to work.

These are the things I made:

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Comments 3

authorwithin September 12 2014, 22:41:24 UTC
Oh, and I used the Mainstays brand jars (at WalMart) because they don't have "Ball" or "Kerr" in the raised glass lettering on them. They are just plain with no "writing" on them other than on the bottom. I like that better. :D


davesmusictank September 13 2014, 14:56:08 UTC
I love the ghost in the jar!


jennygordon September 18 2014, 12:45:32 UTC

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