Who: Crossroads!Matt, DM!Mello
What: Near+Noir=Crazy Mello. Matt must be the vaccine or something. xD
Where: Mansion. Matt's room.
Oh, so here are again. Mello'd told him he was going to stop by, so naturally, that was the plan--Matt was going to wait here, in the same room he'd been in the other day when Mello had stopped by on a surprise visit while he was 'distracting' his twin.
It was kind of interesting to watch Mello kissing a petrified version of 'Weaksauce Matt', in a strange way--a scared version of himself. He'd also been a tad bit jealous, but, that was kind of natural, he guessed. And it's not like he would really have enough intiative to do much about it anyway. Even if he did, he figured it would turn out just like the other Matt's home sitation, and that wasn't anything he wanted in on. The kid seemed like he was in absolute Hell, and while he was sure they probably took things differently, the two of them, he couldn't help but feel like that wasn't the best position to be in. Besides, he'd brought it upon himself. Mello did say he wanted to be there. Who knows. If he'd done like he said he would have, then...
Enough of that, though. Supposition aside, Mello was on his way over. From the way he was talking, he seemed kind of frustrated about something--probably something Near-related. Matt didn't know the whole situation, but he knew that wherever it was that Mello disappeared to when he wasn't with the two of them in the mansion, it was some kind of crazy, high-stress environment. He didn't know anything, and even though he had a natural curiousity about it, he knew that if Mello wanted him to know, or wanted to talk it out, he'd tell him. That's just the way things are. (And he sort of wished the 'puppy' could understand that.)
Before he realized it, he'd been placing back and forth in a circle, following a pattern on the carpet, a lit cigarette dangling loosely out of the side of his mouth. With a groan he leaned against the arm of a chair, pulling the cigarette away from his face between two fingers.