baby steps...due to a semi-promise made to
brasstax the other day, i give lame attempt at posting on this thing.
1. where is your dad right now?
i should think he is in his office right now, doing that banker-y job i will never fully understand.
2. last time you kissed someone?
hmm...last weekend i suppose?
3. what is something you've learned about yourself recently?
i am not actually without will-power and motivation. and, i should start my own professional painting service cos really, the roller is a true extension of my arm.
4. what color is your watch?
the one i wear all the time is sterling silver. i also have a reddish reptilian number.
5. is everyone in the world equally important?
in theory, practice, hell no.
6. how long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?
i set my alarm for an hour before i actually need to start waking up. because it takes that hour plus another half hour for me to fully realize i am no longer sleeping.
7. name three things you did yesterday.
- walked down st. mark's, which i haven't done in ages
- purchased a new purse from brooklyn industries
- ate a fantastic tuna melt with avocado
8. what are you listening to right now?
this very second, the outro to 'big john shaft' by belle & sebastian
9) what do you smell like?
i have no idea, but probably a combination of cigarettes, coffee, and the coconut and verbena body spray i use
10. what color are your pants?
i'm not wearing any pants! i am wearing a blue skirt though.
11. do you have a roommate?
spark the cat...human roommates are outlawed from the premises.
12. what color is your bedroom flooring?
brown hardwood with a loopy grey area rug
13. do you have a chair in your room?
14. what time of day were you born?
12:26 am
15. do you know anyone who is engaged?
think so...someone at work i think?
16. what's your favorite number?
17. do you know someone named lori?
i knew a lori-ann in grammar school...oh lori-ann, where are you?
18. what color is your mom's hair?
19. do you have a dog?
*sniff* no
20. do you remember singing any songs when you were a kid?
holy cow yes. my dad, an aficionado of classic rock radio, was always playing music everywhere and singing along, so we (my brother and i) could not help but join in. highlights include 'i shot the sheriff' by eric clapton, 'another brick in the wall' by pink floyd, and pretty much the entire beatles catalog.
21. when was the last time you went swimming?
22. when was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
my brother and i were just myspace messaging each other yesterday but i don't think we have actually spoken to each other for a couple of weeks now.
23. did you ever go to camp as a kid? parents didn't mind having us around.
24. do you play an instrument?
i played piano a little when i was small. in high school and college i was a voice student, but then i discovered cigarettes.
25. do you like fire?
aesthetically i think it's beautiful, it's so mysterious and wild. but its potential scares the crap out of me.
26. are you allergic to anything?
bee stings, bubble bath, and possibly ivory soap
27. when was the last time you cried?
last night
28. what kind of shampoo do you use?
pantene pro-v curl definition
29. have you ever been to a spa?
30. did you take science all four years of high school?
no...i took the first two required years of chemistry and biology, skipped out of junior-year physics (an elective), and then had the brilliant idea my senior year to take ap anatomy and physiology, which i just barely passed. it was gruesome, especially the cat dissection, which i still can't believe i actually did.
31. what would you take from your house if you knew it would be flooded tomorrow?
well if i knew it would be flooded tomorrow, i'd call up some movers and take it all.
good answer,
if it was flooding and i didn't have any notice, i'd scoop up my kitty and i guess whatever i could carry...books? my ipod? some clothes? photos?
32. do you like coke or pepsi more?
diet coke runs through my veins. pepsi tastes like windex (not that i know, like, first hand...).
33. what is one thing you miss about your past?
my grandma
34. did you ever see the school nurse?
constantly. when i was in the seventh and eighth grade i was in there all the time with headaches due to (*nerd alert*) too much reading. in high school i had a major panic attack right around college application time. (yeah, you can say i was a high-strung teenager.)
35. have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
no. i've had my share of brilliant-scholars-yet-shitty-teachers, and there's no way i would inflict that upon a bunch of kids. i may love learning but i have no patience with children. plus i tend to lose track of what i am talking about while i am actually speaking (it's a nasty habit).
36. if you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be?
while there are certain things i have said that i probably shouldn't have, i guess i wouldn't take them back because they've brought me to where i am now. even shouting 'he's wearing a hearing aid!' at william shatner as he came out of his car at the david letterman show in 1996.
37. are you jealous of anyone?
not one besides my cat, anyway
38. is anyone jealous of you?
i don't know, but he/she should be...he/she could be sitting here procrastinating and filling out this ridiculously long meme.
39. ever been stuck in an elevator?
thankfully, no
40. what does your dad call you?
sta, stace, stacy, cutie (still!)
41. what does your mom call you?
stace, stacy, anastasia, sweetie, honey
42. what does you hair look like right now?
um...dark brown, wavy, not quite shoulder-length but not really chin-length, with wispy weird bangs i am trying to grow out.
43. would you prefer to be emotionless, so you didn't have to feel a heartbreak?
in the worst moments, yes
44. has anyone recently told you that they like you as more than a friend?
not recently, though i remember the last time very well...i believe the phrase he used was, 'you just don't make me thump.'
edit: i just reread this question and realized when i answered it at first i thought it read 'has anyone recently told you that they like you ONLY as a friend?' oops. i am leaving my answer because it is funny, but to answer the real question, no, no one has. because i am not in the seventh grade.
45. what have you eaten today?
special k red berries, coffee
46. is your hair naturally curly or straight?
somewhere in between wavy and's naturally outrageous.
47. how do you know if you're in love?
there's nothing to question and nothing to fear.
48. what are you looking forward to?
autumn sweaters
49. who was the last person you drove with?
a car service driver, most likely
50. what is your favorite color?
lately it's the grey-blue i painted my bedroom ('water's edge' by benjamin moore).
51. describe the best date you've ever been on.
my friend twyla very insanely gave my phone number to a guy she saw in a bar that she thought i would like (i think solely based on the fact he was like 6'6" and skinny). the guy ACTUALLY CALLED ME and we went on a date. he was adorable, and four years younger than me. we bar-hopped, made out on the subway (classy!), and for the finale, went to the top of the empire state building, right before it closed for the night, because he hadn't ever. it was all quite lovely...unfortunately, he moved back to wisconsin the very next day.
52. do you own a gun?
this question again! christ no
53. would you ever consider adopting?
absolutely, though i am not even considering children at this point in my life
54. do you do push-ups?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no
55. coolest thing you've gotten in the mail lately?
the new regina spektor record
56. what's for dinner?
i'm not sure...i'm going out, and all i know right now is, 'there will be dinner, some cocktails, some bands...'
57. do you have any collections?
i have a lot of stuff, but the only stuff i've sort of 'collected' are belle and sebastian records. i have every miniscule thing they've ever done.
58. last movie you watched at home?
i watched being julia with annette benning last weekend (unfortunately, annette wasn't actually there with me).
59. do you have any special traditions only you or your family does?
no, we're very typical.
60. what was the last thing you created?
does my stellar apartment paint job and subsequent decorating count?
61. have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street?
i live and work in new york, so that would be a yes. too many to name, but most notably stephen malkmus in haveli a couple of years ago.
62. what is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year?
my grandma's stuffing, though actually i get to eat it twice a year (at christmas and thanksgiving)
63. what's that noise?
me sighing at myself for spending this much time on this meme
64. what food(s) do you go to the store for asap when you run out?
diet coke, of course
65. do you like it when old ladies refer to you as 'dear', or 'hon', or 'sugar?'
yes! i think it's really cute. i want to be one of those little old ladies.
66. have you ever dressed up for halloween at work?
did i wear my hot pink mod wig when i was still a dot-commer?
67. do you have any clothes that you pilfered or inherited from your parents?
currently, no, but in college there was an orangey striped sweater of my dad's that i think both alba and i wore.
68. what's your favorite black and white movie?
roman holiday