The check-in date is coming up fast! Since the time will get away from you pretty quickly, make sure to remember that 15th August is the big day!
For this check-in, there's no minimum or maximum wordcount. At least a paragraph is suggested, and more is certainly wonderful, but if you've fallen terribly behind then it's okay to send a tiny sentence or whatever disjointed fragments you have. If you've finished nearly the entire fic, it's okay to send that in too.
The deadline is 15th August. You may send your snippet before that day, or any time during it. As long as it's still the 15th somewhere in the world, your check-in will not be considered late (hint: if you don't know the Pago Pago timezone, you should definitely get familiar with it).
When sending in your check-in, please include the following:
1) A summary of your current idea
2) The snippet you would like to provide
3) The name of a strange plant or rare fruit that seems interesting
Please paste this information into the body of an email and send it to
And if your check-in is late ... well, remember our Procrastination Punishment Party? You can expect some similar penalties.