Oct 16, 2015 11:59

It's here! After an extra few days of my incompetence (you're welcome) it's finally here ... the Automix check-in!

[scary music]

So your check-in is due by October 18th (Pago Pago timezone, as always). For your snippet, there is no minimum or maximum wordcount; a paragraph is suggested, and more is certainly wonderful, but if you've fallen terribly behind then it's okay to sent a tiny sentence or whatever disjointed fragment(s) you have. Because, like ... same.

When sending in your check-in, please include the following:
1) A summary of your current idea
2) The snippet you would like to provide
3) The name of a strange plant or rare fruit that seems interesting

Please paste this information into the body of an email and send it to horrours@live.com (I lost the password to the Automix mod email. Oops).

And if your check-in is late ... well, I might look the other way. Might. For the first 24 hours. AS LONG AS when it finally arrives, it has an ugly MS Paint self-portrait accompanying it. BUT ONLY then. This time I actually mean it! For once.


#2015 info, #mod

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