Recently I have aquired a super power. I can tell the future. and not just the distant future either. seconds, minutes, or hours ahead. but don't put me on the spot. I might snap.
go to to find out more. or if you see me everyday, listen to ramble, I just do it. Telling you guys, CLITERATURE.
supersonic. as in, beyond sound. very tired. tiger army rocked super. my best gal rocks too. school is dumb as shit, almost done. these entrys are almost always the same. they can all be summed up with the lyrics to bloodstains:
bloodstains, speed kills. fast cars, cheap thrills. rich girls, fine wine. I lost control, I lost myself, I lost my mind
last night was wonderful. monopoly was not so wonderful, I hade bad luck. the game of life is better, because I can become president in it. but I still lost. didn't get alot of sleep, so I was tired all of today. watched hannibal and silence of the lambs. very cool. school tomarrow is not so good.
this morning a sugar ray song came on the radio. I caught myself humming along, and it made me so physically ill, that I couldn't come to school today. shoot me now.