Name?: Erica
Nicknames?: Girl With The Food, Blue Hair, Errica, Air Eh Kuh, Errrricccuh, Creepie, etc.
Date of birth?: 12/02/88
Sex?: Female
Height?: 5'7"
Eye color?: Blue
Where were you born?: Sinai Hospital
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: 15
Pets?: Dog, Sunshine; Kitty, Tobey/Tiger/Ketchup (really, don't ask)
Hair color?: Blond Brown and some tints of Red
Piercings?: 2 and 1 cartlidge
Favorite foods?: You don't know who I am, do you?
Ever been to Africa?: My cousin's girlfriend's father lives there, so I go there all the time.
Been toilet papering?: Before I freaking die I will, just you guys wait!
Love someone so much it made you cry?: Actually .. bahaha, I think I did
Been in a car accident?: No
Croutons or bacon bits?: Why do you guys put me through thisss. Freaking both, I can't leave the other left out
Favorite day of the week?: Wednesday's or Thursday's
Favorite restaurant?: Well; either Pizza Hut or Fudrucker's
Favorite sport to watch?: All of them except basketball
Favorite drink?: Aw, Frutopia :D
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Cookies and Cream
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Disney
Favorite fast food restuarant?: Chik-Fil-A
Carpet color in your bedroom?: You know, I really can't remember. Blue? I believe
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: Haven't attempted it yet
Whom did you get your last email from?: Something for the NYC Choir trip or a comment reply e-mailed to me
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: It'd have to be a retro store. So anything retro, and I'm maxin'
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Watch television, eat food
Bedtime?: School nights ranges from 9-11 and on the weekends and summers I shoot for anything around 11-4.
Favorite TV show?: Full House
Last person you went out to dinner with?: My mother and brother
Been out of the country?: No
Believe in magic?: No
Ford or Chevy?: More like, not
What are you listening to right now?: Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For
Do you have a crush on someone?: My boyfriend, kind of. :D
Do you have a bf/gf?: No
If so, what is their name?: --
How long have you been together?: --
What are you wearing right now?: Jimi Hendrix tee and Twister pj pants
Would you have sex before marriage?: It depends
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: No
Are you a virgin?: Oui, je suis.
Do you smoke?: No
Do you drink?: Yes
Are you ghetto?: 4o' lyfe
Are you a player?: No
What are your favorite colors?: Well, mainly blue. But I like retro colors like purple, sky blue, lime green, purple - the works
What is your favorite animal?: Kitten
Do you have any birthmarks?: On my head I think, that's what my mom told me
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: More like, not
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Kate, because I make her talk to me
Have you ever been slapped?: Yes, not seriously though
Do you get online a lot?: Tout le tempsss
Are you shy or outgoing?: Outgoing.
Do you shower?: Whenever I feel like it, yes
Do you have a social life?: Yes
How easily do you trust people?: I'm just all, whatev I'll tell you if I want to
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Yes
Would you ever sky dive?: I almost did, but I was $5 short
Do you like to dance?: Ohh, I want to dance with somebody. I want to feel the heat with somebody
Have you ever been out of state?: Frequently
Do you like to travel?: Very much so, though I don't like the 12 hrs. trips we take once a year. That's always a killer
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: I do most of the time and the rest of that 98% I realize how awesome this place really can be, you just have to find things for yourself
Are you spoiled?: Sometimes
Are you a brat?: No
Have you ever been dumped?: Yes
Have you ever gotten high?: No, thought I am a
Do you like snapple?: I'd have to say, I've never had it before
Do you drink a lot of water?: Anyone knows I don't like water hardly at all
What toothpaste do you use?: The stuff that cook who makes the BAM noise uses in that commercial
Do you have a cell phone?: No
Do you have a curfew?: Weekdays 10 weekends 11 or 12
Are you a role model?: I don't know
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: No
What name brand do you wear the most?: Food by GirlAvecTheFood
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Everything's packed in a box but I usually wear a necklace rings and some of my retro earrings
What do you want pierced?: My schnoz
Do you like taking pictures?: Oui
Do you like getting your picture taken?: Oui
Do you have a tan?: Again, you don't know who I am, do you?
Do you get annoyed easily?: Not really
Have you ever started a rumor? Several. Back in 6th grade, "Amy Bowers takes no showers." "I'm a potthead and I'm pregnant" and something else I can't think of at the moment
Do you have your own phone or phone line? No
Do you have your own pool?: No
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Boxers
Do you have any siblings?: Chris, the oldest and Mike, the youngest
Have you ever been played?: I don't believe so
Have you ever played anyone?: Played them for food. UHP
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes
How do you vent your anger?: Scratch the wall, grit my teeth and grunt, write, listen to music, eat food
Have you ever run away?: No
Have you ever been fired from a job?: No
Do you even have a job?: I am proud to say I do :D
Do you daydream a lot?: Tout le temps, especially when I'm in a classroom and I'm sitting next to a window
Do you have a lot of ex's?: No not at all, really
Do you run your mouth? No, it's most likely stuffed with food
What do you want a tattoo of?: I'm not sure. Something, beautiful
What do you have a tattoo of?: --
What does your ex bf/gf look like?: Taller than me, that never happens with the opposite sex and I. I can't really remember his appearance
What does your most recent crush look like?: Dark hair and beautiful eyes :D
Are you rude?: Not in person, but boy am I pretty harsh inside.
What was the last compliment you recieved?: xStellarxNightsx (9:21:41 PM): omg you're so fucking 80s
Do you like getting dirty?: When I'm playing softball, yes
Are you flexible? I used to, 'til I got a hold of food *ashamed* Not really
What is your heritage?: German Scottish and African
What is your lucky number?: 3,7,8,9
What does your hair look like right now?: Up in a pony with my newly cut bangs cut by moi :D
Would you ever be a vegetarian?: Seriously, again, do you know who I am?!
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Well, I can't say blue because I've already done it. OH SHIT, so I'd have to say a tone of soft brown, maybe?
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: No
Would you ever date someone older than you?:Yes
When was the last time you were drunk?: Aw, the last time was the time I lost my drinking-inity :D Aw, that was some good times at Devin's house guys :D
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2 or 3
Have you ever been skinny dipping?: No
If yes, when was the last time?: --
When was the last time you went on a date?: I don't know, whenever I went to a fast food place last with a male
Do you look more like your mother or father?: I don't look like anybody in my family, really whatsoever
Do you cry a lot?: No *pulls sleeves down* It's a little chilly, isn't it?
Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "I was thinking about string cheese. But not really." .. "See ya later catepillar"
Are you the romantic type?: I could be but I haven't gotten the chance yet
Have you ever been chased by cops?: My uncle, yes
What do you like most about your body?: It holds food for me
What do you like least about your body?: I have chub and mondo thighs
When did you have your first crush?: Aw, 3rd grade - Thomas Triano. I kissed him on the hand :D
When was the last time you threw up?: The first day of 8th grade
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: I wouldn't care
Do you wear shirts to show off your stomach?: No
Cleavage?: No
Is your best friend a virgin?: Yes
Have you ever fucked someone up?: H311z
N@hHave you ever been fucked up?: On food, yes
What theme does your room have?: Just newly 50's and 80's retro :D
What size shoe do you wear?: 10
What is your screen name on AIM?: Idylle Tragique
How are you feeling right now?: My eye balls hurt
When was the last time you were at a party?: Probably Devin's back in the summer when I lost my drinking-inityyyy
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No
Have you ever recieved one?: I wish
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: I'm pregnant
What is one of your bad qualilties?: Being mucho paranoid. I'm defintely not as bad as I used to be whatsoever
What is one of your good qualilties?: I love food, and I'm hilZZZ
Would you marry for money?: Devotion shouldn't cost anything but your heart and passion
What do you drive?: I will be a proud driver of my black Station Wagon, ol' Judy :D
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: Daddy’s
When was the last time you cried in school?: Never
What kind of music do you like?: Everything except country, but I like the Redneck Woman Song and Garth Brooks, Thunder Road and that one by that guy, The Devil Went Down To Georgia. But that's all, I swear
Would you ever bungee jump?: I was $5 short
What is your worst fear?: Ch-Ch-Ch-CHANGES
Would you ever join the army?: Maybe
Do you like cows?: Not in person, but on my plate
If you were to die today, what would you do?: Eat all the food imaginable, give somebody my writings, and go to Cedar Point to ride the tallest roller coaster over and over, and swim in a pool of green Jell-o (I got that idea from Patch Adams :D)
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be?: "Guys, atleast you still have moshing."
Do you like to party?: LIKE IT'S JESUS'
BIRFD@YHearts or broken hearts?: ..Hearts?
Moons or stars?: Stars
Coke or pepsi?: Coke products, though I'm not a fan of coke. GET IT?!
Favorite scent?: I'm not sure. Vanilla Fields, maybe? oo, and Chantilly, my grandmother's perfume :]
Favorite band?: There are mondo loads of bands I adore
Would you ever dye your hair red?: I've colored most of it red before
How many languages can you speak?: English Frances and Espanol
Do you hate it when people correct your grammar? Eye hardlee ehvor mayk grahmer misstakes BAHAH
Name a movie that was so bad, it made you laugh (or cry): About the middle of The Grudge
Can you tap dance? Yes I can
Does green ketchup REALLY taste the same as regular ketchup? I've never had green, I've had purple though
What's your favorite disney movie? The Great Mouse Detective or The Jungle Book -- my father and I always watched that movie together when I was little. He was Blue and I was the child :]
Do you have any weird sleeping habits? I rub the end of the pillow in between my pillow and I tend to scream and talk in my sleep
Do you ever see things in the corner of your eye & when you look its gone? I thought that only happened to me. Thank the Lord
Do you have any irrational fears (for example the color purple)? This effing grudge of a car driving then stopping suddenly and backing up moderately fast. Christ, it urkes me
What is one song that you just can't help singing along to? There's all of them
Do toe socks bother you? I don't believe so
What is the best month of the year? October or Novemeber or March or April
When its raining do you have the urge to run outside and dance in it? No
Have you ever dreamed that you could fly? I don't know, probably
What is the weirdest dream you've ever had? When I was little, I had this re-occuring dream that I was in this house with these people I called my family and this pancake would talk to me on the floor and I'd step on it, but it wouldn't die
What is the one talent you wish you could have above all? Expand my mind to use more vocabulary
Have you ever heard the same song on two radio stations at the same time? Yes
How about 3 different radio stations: Not at the exact same part, but the same song playing, yes
What is your favorite flower? Pink White and Red Roses
What is your favorite weed? Dandelions
Have you ever tried to paint like Bob Ross (the happy little trees guy) ? Oh my God, I love that man. I used to eat cereal in the mornings at my old house and watch him during the commercials of Sesame Street
What do you wish you could be doing right now? Sleeping
Do you spend your life wishing? No
When did you find out the truth about santa? 6th grade. Shut the eff up
Which is better - night or day? Night
How much time do you spend on your hair each day? About 1 minute on school days but if not for school, then it depends
Do you hate it when you're at a movie theatre & get stuck by the loud kids? Yes
Or are YOU one of the loud annoying kids? I was one time, but I realized those people defintely deserved to have a gum ball launched at the back of their heads
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Paris or London
Do you talk to yourself? I'm not sure
Do you like to read? I adore it
Close your eyes. What do you hear? My brother flipping through the television and my music player playing Britney Spears - Born To Make You Happy. Again, shut the eff up