So, i decided to make a list of things i could do with my life. here it is:
Teach Highschool English in Japan:
Perks: No more school directly after Sonoma.
Live in Japan.
Learn Japanese.
Get lots of cool music, movies/meet people/see part of the world.
Downside: 1-3 years only. Not a permenant career choice.
Graduate school/Phd in American Studies:
Perks: Can emphasize in literature/culture/media studies/etc.
Possibility of living with Al.
Out of State.
Downside: More school.
Phd does not guarentee a teaching position
costly if i don't get a TA position
Teaching Credential - High School English
Perks: Teaching.
Lots of Jobs available/can live anywhere.
Teach some rad books.
Only a year and a half after Sonoma.
Summers off to write.
Could live with Al while getting degree/afterward.
Downside: More school.
Cost of more school.
Can't go out of state for degree without complicating any plans to move back to California.
Kids are Killers (thanks for this one, Jodi.)
Peace Corp:
Perk: See the world.
do good.
experiences to write about.
2-year commitment
Can't do and live with Al.
No future security.
Residential Life stuff (MA in counseling/socialwork/higher division ed):
Perks: I have the experience.
unique job.
Out of state possibility.
Living on campus
Not living with Al
Couldn't do forever without going crazy.
Work for BART:
Perks: Would get interesting
Downside: Bay Area
I'd probably get over it within a week.
Political Intern:
Perks: politics
Possibility for scandl/news media coverenge
Downside: I probably don't care enough.
Work for the FBI:
Perk: I might finally get to know what goes on there.
Carry a gun.
Possibility of moving out of state.
Working for the Man.
Zoo Trainer:
Perk: Animals are cool.
Neat Experience to write about
animals are cool.
Downside: More school(?)
When animals attack.
Shoveling poo.
I'll add more in seperate entries as I think of them.