SUMMER JOB IS HISTORY~♥ That makes me too darn happy to think summer's sorta slipping away and Andrew and I are still not sure when the hell are we taking that road trip holiday. Ugh. But not being around case files and archives and that damned office is good enough to make me optimistic
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Comments 17
Hokuto will pop up eventually, no worries.
Aaaand I hope so! >__> I never thought Yasha would get more fun to play than her. Lack of inspiration srsly.
As for choosing classes, I have always found that those kind of decisions tend to mature on their own, and thinking too hard about them only causes unnecesarry stress. But good luck with that! Do you have any classes in mind already?
Yes, things have been rather quit over at Kiseki lately. I truly hope it's a passing thing. The Birthday thread and the Dance log are really fun, though, I agree. And I'm all for that picnic, whenever you and Tuul are ready? Should it take place before Yasha's arrival, perhaps? And if you're having trouble with Hokuto (whose threads with X!Subaru I love to read), Ashura's more than willing to meet her.
Not. A single. Clue. o.o;;; Really, I've always thought summer break is so long it gets you off-key. I need to get my head back to thinking about classes but it's just not cooperating.
Picnic sounds great to go now the rain's stopped! \o/ Same here: when Tuul and you are game so am I. And Ana said she'll be posting for her bebbie soon, so I guess there's that and then I need to post for Hokuto to update her journal. She'd love to meet Ashura then. ♥
Wonderful, then! We're all online now, maybe we could even get it started rather soon? 8D
That sounds good! Tuul seems to be busy ATM but if you guys wanna start that once she's available I'm all for it. o/
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Thanks! ^^ I'll click yours too whenever this is fixed.
ajkhfjadh T-hank you 8D;; I'm really glad I'm not screwing up Hikaru's character. And eeee ♥ I know, Ashura and Kotori are so cute ;o; I like that eveyone has become like family. Pfft, and Umi and Yasha interaction is the greatest thing ever. Ahaha
You're doing great with Hikaru! ♥ I think she comes naturally to you, honest. Our dance and BDAY threads are so much love.
Uh. You know how I feel about Umi. ♥
YASHA NEEDS TO STOP MAKING ME LAUGH SO MUCH. OMG. Wtf he's amazing. I love the way you play him, and while I don't know much about his canon, I find that all the threads he's in are fun to stalk and askldfjl. Keep up the amazing job with him.
I'm sorry about the inspiration problems with Hokuto, but I bet they'll pass. ♥ O-Or I hope. You're the best Hokuto ever. ;;; Bebbie just posted, so many that will help some? :) Don't worry about replying to it if you're having trouble though. ♥
Yep. ♥ And it makes me so happy. ^^ I have loads of fun playing her with your Kotori.
LOL I love the guy exactly because he's so easy to make fun of! XDDDb It's great that you find him amusing even if you haven't read RGV. Because that must mean I'm doing things right? IDK? o.o;;; Playing him is a riot.
Hokuto will be healthy soon! o/ She has cute twins to look after. I've said this a million times but I'm thrilled you like her so much. She'd there now with bebbie. If IJ stops being lame anytime soon we'll get this thread going. >.
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