General thoughts on SPN 5x01:
+ New intro! Yay, I approve. Although I totally loved S4's black wings too.
+ Dean's eyes when Chuck told him Cas died! "Cas, you stupid bastard." ♥
+ Sam looking wayyyy hotter than before with his new & improved haircut. YAY. I feel so sorry for the guy, oh my god. He has very suddenly & instantly turned non-evil though. But I like him better this way, so yay I guess. (moderate yay though, for obvious reasons)
+ Becky, wtf. I seriously hope Kripke doesn't see fanfic writers like that. But oh - the thought that he actually had to write Wincest for that - awesome!!!!!
+ Becky being a Samgirl! "You're so firm. You're... not what I pictured." LOL
+ Bobby! I totally didn't realise he was possessed! I was in complete shock when he was being bastardy to Sam! Aw, broke my heart a little! And Dean just watching and not saying anything, ouch.
+ Meg. I like the new girl, I think, but why does it have to be Meg? Where was she pre-S5, I wonder?
+ Dean gets a whole lot of kissing scenes. Dude. Peanutbutter - lol.
+ "Oh thank god, the angels are here." - WIN. I totally hate Zach though. HATE. What a fucking bastard!
+ Dean being Michael's vessel? WHY can't they just pick someone else? Gaaah I hate complicated plots, I do!
+ "Life as an angel condom. That's real fun." Kripke, marry me!
+ Zach breaking Sam's legs! Okay I hate him, but that was kind of cool. Dean not giving in was even cooler.
+ Cas saving the day! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM IN LOVE HIM, especially when he's In Charge and calls Sam and Dean 'boys'.
+ Cas carving their ribs. Chest-touching! YAY!
+ Lucifer-scenes were totally spooky. :( Not sure if I like the vessel he's chosen.
+ Bobby in a hospital without his cap! Now that's weird. And aw, what he said to Sam. Sam looking all puppy-like. Even more than usual.
+ Dean/Sam scene broke my heart. Or it was more like someone smashed it to pieces with a sledgehammer. "You chose a demon over your own brother." Ouch. "You were the one I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even..." Ouch! "I don't think that we can ever be what we were. I just don't think I can trust you." OUCH!!!! Oh boys, boys! Don't do this!! I can only pray it won't take another 21 episodes before they make it up properly. :(