+ Sad Bobby makes me sad. Backrubs from Dean would make me very happy though.
+ Cas calling! I was full of squee. Did you see how Dean looked when he noticed Sam was speaking to Cas? HEEE. All attentive.
+ "Enough foreplay" WIN, Bobby, WIN!
+ CAS'S EYES! THE ENDLESS STARING! Seriously, does the guy ever blink? How dry must Misha's eyes be at the end of a day of shooting?
+ I love it when Dean calls Cas chuckles. LOVE it. Then again, I love Dean all the freaking time.
+ "I did all of it for you." & "I lost everything... for nothing." OH MISHA <3 Seriously, this scene was made of awesome. I totally approve of angry!Cas. Oh, and when he said "I did come for something" without taking his eyes one second away from Dean... as;ldkfj;lskfjsaf.
+ The amulet! Oh noes!!!! Now he has nothing to remind him of Sam now he's gone :(
+ ELLEN!!! She still kicks ass. And Jo. Well. I like her, I do! She's just... standing in the way. Or something. I don't know. We'll see what happens.
+ Oh Sam fighting the demons and being so so tempted by the blood. Damn it Sammy! What the fuck are you doing!!!
+ Sam/Dean fight near the stairs. Ouch, boys, ouch! Don't fight! And Dean, stop being right all the time! I love Sam in that scene too, by the by. Frustrated!Hurt!Sam is so my favourite, yum.
+ Tied-up!Sam is also my favourite.
+ I LOVE LOVE LOVE the plot of this ep, by the way. War being a dude and causing mayhem. I LOVE IT.
+ "People don't need a reason to kill each other." Too true, ms Gamble.
+ OH, Sam/Dean talk. WHAT THE FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. "I don't trust me either." SAM!!! *grabs his leg and tries to keep him from walking away* NOOOOOOOO. Oh and Dean offering him the Impala! OH MY GOD. GUYS!!! DON'T DO THIS!!! *begs on knees* COME BACK SAM! Damn it I seriously hope they won't be separated for too long. And that when they reunite they will do it FIERCELY with lots of groping and inappropriate touching kthx.