Ashpoops: ur a dork
Ashpoops: and i love u
Ashpoops: and uh u have someting on ur shirt
Terry: I'd be like
Terry: Christine I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove you
Christopher (Y.): i would say dont leave, and continue to badger you and bother you until you agreed to stay
Jessness: hmm, I'd say somethjing funny to lighten up the moment and tell you that the friendship was fun while it lasted and that warped tour was the best, and then apologize for never giving you your $51 back
Mary: hm id say i love you and that im really glad i met u
Steve: i fucked ur mom hard
Sadie: I love you
Mike: i would say, "christine, im stoned, and i dont know what to say"
Erika: hey kid, it's been fun... remember you're the most important person in your life
Danielle's mommy: I love you
Danielle's mommy: followed by I miss you coz I haven't seen you in what feels like forever
autumn star fall: If this were the very last moment you have to talk to me ever again, what would you say?
autumn star fall: that was my survey for the night
Nickypoods: I saw that on your journal
autumn star fall: well you needa answer it dorkface!
Nickypoods: I can't
autumn star fall: why not?
Nickypoods: I think silence would say infinately more
autumn star fall: sigh oh how i love you nicholas
Nickypoods: I'd probably just look into your eyes, touch your shoulder, and walk away
Nickypoods: simple
Nickypoods: sweet
Nickypoods: and mysterious
autumn star fall: and 100% nick-like
Nickypoods: maybe not sweet though
autumn star fall: why not sweet?
Nickypoods: you gonna post that in your journal?
autumn star fall: survey says... yeah
Nickypoods: well it depends, if you really wanted to hear what I had to say, I guess you'd be pretty bummed
autumn star fall: i guess
autumn star fall: but if you didn't say anything, i'd understand too
autumn star fall: so really it could go either way on that one
Danielle: I would tell you this:
Danielle: You, Christine Marconi, are one of the most beautiful people I have ever come across. I would not have survived freshman year of college without you. You were and always will be the best across the hall buddy I could ever have. Granted, hard times have been had and people have said crappy things, but my motto is I go by intention not action ... you ALWAYS mean well. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't turn out right, but hey, none of us are perfect when it comes to always doing the right thing, but you are perfect when it comes to always wanting to do the right thing. You've gotten crapped on a lot in your life, but when it feels like everyone else has walked out and thrown your heart in your face, remember that your heart is the reason I love you and consider you one of the best friends I could ever have. When I got cheated on and my heart hurt so bad you were there. You never said anything to try to make me feel better; you were just there. You took a road trip with me and played me songs and told me they were my theme songs. You make me laugh. You are so original and unique. I have never met anyone quite like you, but as soon as I meet someone with qualities anything like yours I smile, because if they are worth even half as much as you are then they're priceless. Oh yeah, I'd say I love you and I'll miss you... but wherever else you end up is one lucky place to have you.
Danielle: Sorry that probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but there was a lot to say
me: whoa! hang on let me read that
Danielle: haha ok
me: ohhh you hooker! you are going to make me CRY
Danielle: But, honestly, I couldn't really tell you everything I wanted to tell you -- it'd take me a lifetime to let you know what a special person you are to me
Danielle: you are one of those kind of people I could go years without seeing but as soon as I see you again it'd be like time never passed
me: awwwww!
Danielle: so that's what I have to say about your survey
me: i love you!
Danielle: yeeea, and I love you -- I have to admit that it's not the same here without you
Danielle: I miss cheeseballs and chinese food
me: me too!
me: and snowball fights :-\
Danielle: heck, I miss my across the hall buddy
me: i miss mine more
Danielle: woman, you stop that
me: :-P
(ttr) Mike: thank you for listening to my band and liking us... and wherever you're going now.. tell them about us.... spread the word. thanks. want a button?