Jennifer an I just got back from WTAMU to go see Henry Rollins on his spoken word tour. Excellent show, and we got pics with the man afterwrads. I have a gay, confused look on me, but this is still awesome:
Yep, and he was really cool, too. Some people won't stand around in the cold to just BS with folks. Most of the time he talked a lot about why he doesn't agree with the war, due to concrete reasons, not just because. UIts nice to have somebody with a stance who can back it up with evidence.
Yes, I bet. My sister just waves her arms in the air squealing "Make love not war" but doesn't know why. I mean, there are a LOT of reasons why, but she just doesn't know them :P
He'a unique, that's for sure. This icon is from when I first tried to take his pic with Jennifer and my camera didn't want to work. He was coming forward to help when it went off. Lovely, I'll tell ya.
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