1. Taco Bell, Chipotle or Baja Fresh?
Taco Bell or Q-doba
2. Current Favorite cd?
Eisley? or Lily Allen I guess
3. First concert:
18 Visions, Kill Hannah, HIM
4. Would you change your senior prom date if you had the chance?
Yeah it would have been Kenz
5. Skim or whole milk?
Skim all the way.
6. Did you have chicken pox as a kid?
Yepper and they hurt like hell.
7. Price of gas you last paid for?
2.86…but only 17 total w00t
8. Wild night of drinking and clubbing or hot movie date?
Hot Movie Date :D
9. What's your highest bowling score?
234 regular scoring, 278 no-tap
10. Ever signed onto Myspace and under New Cool People, seen someone you know?
12. Worst police-related experience?
Almost got a ticket for going 13 over, but he saw that I was a delivery diver and let me off
13. What do you think about the last person who did this survey?
She has great taste in music! lol
14. The movie you wouldn't want anyone to see?
Anything by that no talent fucker of a hack M. Night “Sham”-alan
15. The reason you're at your computer right now?
It’s late, Im not tired and Im bored.
16. Would you track your kids with a microchip?
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! HELL NO!!! why not just put a barcode on their forehead and steal their souls holy fuck america wake up (I like what the last person wrote lmao)
17. Do you own a nalgene bottle?
Fuck no, I aint no white pussy conformist prep.
18. Favorite sentimental song?
19. Favorite scent on someone of the opposite Sex?
I dunno…
20. Last time you used your car horn?
Also dunno
21. Did you buy your computer from Dell?
Fuck naw, I aint no stupid ass consumer whore. Vaio all the way kids.
22. Scariest movie as a child?
23. Do you do your own laundry?
Since the age of 8
24. What are you doing right now?
this survey
25. Your pick to win the World Cup?
…Soccer sucks.
26. Your favorite element?
Lightning :D
27. Steak or shrimp?
Steak yummy
28. Cubed ice or crushed ice?
29. Cats or Dogs?
Kitties….pussy if you will lmao
30. Favorite 80s Group?
no clue
31. If you could go to any concert tomorrow, who would you see?
Cruxshadows, MSI, and uh…VNV NATION!
32. Do you own a planner?
No, nor would I use one.
33. Gym buff, or do you think working out is over-rated?
Not totally but I do enjoy working out/getting/being in shape.
34.Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?
35. What would you like to accomplish this year?
I honestly don’t give a shit at all…or about life for that matter, its sucky no matter what really…
38. How many times has your profile been viewed?
Don’t give a fuck
39. Favorite McDonalds menu item?
I don’t eat at the Shitdonalds.
40. Walmart or Target?
I don’t shop when in Denver…Target actually?
41. Are there dirty dishes in the sink right now?
42. Can you line dance?
No…but if I did I bet the chicks at the Grizzly Rose would be humpin me all the time! lmao
43. Do you own a TI-83?
Yes…and I should sell it on ebay for blackjack cash.
44. Most hated class in high school/college?
45. Ever got into a heated debate over religion?
46. If you could have any car, what would it be?
2006 or 7 Crysler Crossfire!
47. What time is it right now?
48. Elaborate why you have the song you do on your profile?
Its fricken sweet!!
49. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Wayyyyyy less body fat %
50. What upsets you the most about the opposite sex?
Their terrible choice in men…in other words why I am overlooked as a dating choice in too many cases (but then again I'm not really a great person anyhow, just too boring lol)…but oh well no spilt milk there, relationships are fucked and stupid and people are just too stupid anymore to function properly in a (good) relationship. America/society/life is going to hell in a hand basket unfortunately.
oh more...
80 Questions I Guarantee You've Never Answered
Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?
have you listened to jack joshson?
Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?
Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s?
Which radio stations are your favorites?
KOOL 105…and that’s about it.
Are you a Lost fanatic?
sotra? no?
[[Be Honest]]
Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
Alannis Morsette?
Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
not since its only on cable.
King of the Hill?
I kinda hate it…but if its on I can tolerate an episode.
[[Admit it]]
Do you read trashy romance novels often?
Do you really work out every day?
though I should
Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself?
too many, college is fun!
Have you ever eaten nothing but junk food for a week straight?
Do you shower every single day?
YES OF COURSE i couldn't handle going a day without (no change lol)
Do you ever forget to give a Christmas/birthday present?
Birthday maybe.
Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you're driving alone?
If by obnoxiously you mean well.
Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home?
Have you ever watched a little kid's show when you were older?
Sure, cartoons rock…although toons these days suck…lol
Have you ever looked forward to going to school?
Just to be there, ie DePauw, but not doing work
[[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]]
Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't?
No... That's weird. (yeah it is! no change) But it happened to me, and when I asked she freaked and stopped talking to me…fucking bipolar bitches. (she was too, I wasn’t just saying that)
Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school?
uh no…
Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn't ask her/him out because you were afraid?
well duh, that’s like, the reason I never have a GF
Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life?
lame but yeah tons.
Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush?
uh no, can you say pathetic.
Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance?
well duh, but looks aint everything, people are fucktards.
[[The Questions You Love: Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]]
Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?
Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
Do you know how to knit?
Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover?
no, but a celly protective cover yes.
Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile?
Do you keep a diary or journal online?
yes. this one.
When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your closet
Black, like my heart lol
[[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]]
Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?
America or Canada?
Canada is great!
Physics or chemistry?
Earphones or headphones?
head, back of head style, so as not to mess the doo
pink or teal?
Earrings or a ring?
class ring.
Commitment or casual dating?
none…lol NA
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
Theyre both overrated and etc.
Fly or road trip?
well you cant drive to other countries (that rock) so both duh.
Starbucks or Caribou?
Fuck coffee.
[[Another Wave of Random Questions]]
What is your favorite Disney movie?
oh sheesh…I like Finding Nemo and Toy Story(ies)
How much jewelry do you own?
That I wear? Not much, but valuable stuff that I’ve found/horde, tons.
Have you ever bought clothing at sears?
Ages ago.