Would you like to write a fic for series 2 of
the_altverse? Here is your chance to sign up.
Series 1 writers: please feel free to sign up again, but bear in mind that a lot is changing in terms of organisation, so have a read of this post.
- Commit to a project that runs over several months. We can organise your deadlines around your life, but we still need a commitment from you. Sign-ups are now, but the first fics won't be posted until 2011 over an extended period of time. If you know you will be busy at a certain time, specify in your application and we can schedule to avoid any conflicts.
- Work from a prompt and certain set parameters to provide a fic outline, potentially several months before that fic is due, then revise this outline in accordance with direction from the production team if needed.
- Write a fic of at least 5000 words (and anything more than 25,000 requires talking to the production team) that is a self-contained adventure fic (basically, an episode of the show, or a two-parter) but may have some plot threads that tie into the bigger series-long arc. And write it for a deadline.
- Submit your fic to be edited by the production team. You are quite welcome to have your own beta, but the production team will have final editorial control. This means you may have to make certain significant changes in order to maintain consistency with plot and characterisation.
- Provide a summary of your fic for continuity purposes.
- Regularly reply to Writers' Room posts on av_confidential with updates about your fic and your deadlines, including letting the production know ASAP if you think a deadline will be missed.
- Post your fic using a specific format to the_altverse during the week given to you by the production team.
It may seem like a lot, but it's basically what the Series 1 authors did, with a little more consistency.
The overall plot arc for s2 will involve alt!Donna. However, she will not be joining the TARDIS crew as a companion and will appear only for a few episodes. So chances are, you will not be writing her, but you may have to deal with some of the emotional fall-out from her existence.
If you want to be a writer, comment with the below form filled out. Comments are screened. Because of the size of this venture, I may have to limit sign-up numbers. We will get in touch with people soon to let them know the next steps!
Email:Can you commit to something that won't finish until about 12 months from now?Would you be interested in writing Alt!Donna?Possibly able to pinch-hit (ie: jump in to write a fic, possibly from someone else's outline) at late notice)?Are you an expert in/interested in writing about any particular things? (Eg: historical eras, characters, bad guys, situations):If you have written before (don't worry if you haven't), what sort of stuff do you find yourself tending to write in terms of tone? Angst? Drama? Fluff? Comedy? Anything else?Is there anything you feel you could not write?Any other information you'd like us to have about your writing?Any other administrative information? (Eg: if you're busy during a certain month/how predictable your schedule is/etc)Anything else you'd like us to know? Any questions, please email the.altverse @ gmail.com and we'll get back to you soon.
Thank you, and I hope we can work together soon!