Title: Snowflakes In The Night Sky
Pairing(s): QMi, side!EunHae, slight!Victoria/Zhou Mi
Genre(s): Romance, angst, college!AU
Length: 6017 words
Rating: PG-13, self-harm!warning, homophobia!warning
Summary: In which Zhou Mi’s life does not go the way he wanted it to.
Author's Notes: Wow, I was planning on posting this a long time ago but never got to it
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Comments 5
At first I thought this is going to be a sad ending. Especially the scenes where Zhou Mi stood on the roof and said someone died. I really thought Kyu was dead at that moment! And their argument as Mi discovered Kyus feelings for him. Okay, not exactly an argument,but the harsh word weren't better...
But I'm glad it was an happy end ^^
Thanks for reading!
seriously no offence at all.
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