Do you wear black eyeliner?: rarely
How much black clothing do you own?: not normally. i have a few shirts, shoes, pants.... it adds to my color frenzy
Do you think about death often?: nah
Do you want to die?: id be okay if i did but i dont want to
Are you a social outcast?: yup
Are you pale?: dyup
Do you cut?: no- wouldnt that be emo tho?
Do you like Hot Topic?: yeah- nice pins!
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard? nope...lame
How often do you wear Vans?: i dont like most vans. yuck.
What's your shoe brand?: nike
How much do you get in trouble?: im always in trouble
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"?: i dont even understand this question. youre a poser
How many piercings do you have?: 4
How often do you say the word "like"?: like every other word
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: yuck
Are the A&F models hot?: not really...sometimes
Rock music is bad, right?: i hate you!
Is your hair long?: LIFE IS SHIT :'( it neeeeeds to be
Are you a vegetarian?: nah
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: uh huh!
Do you want peace?: more than anything
Do you want to save the animals?: uh huh. what did they ever do to you? back the fuck off
What do you think about war?: dude. repubs and bush DO need to die. stop making wars. war is lame
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers?: only every day
Are you from the ghetto?: hahahhaa suburbiaaaa
Do you own "bling bling"?: i own suburbia bling bling...like carats that arent in my teeth etc
What do you think about do-rags?: oh please.
Do you like rap? : ummm some
How about hip-hop?: yuck
What do you think about afros?: afros are pretty cool on black guys
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: as a lame joke
Is life a party?: no
How often do you get drunk?: havent in months. im pretty much over it
Do you care about your grades?: no
Do you need attitude adjustment?: no
How often do you cry?: not too often...my hair! :'(
Do you have an ex?: yeah.
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: i can use my moms
Are you emotional?: not much anymore
Do you like soft music?: not emo soft music
Do people understand you?: no but theyre lame
Do you write your own songs?: not anymore
Is your hair dyed dark?: yuck
Do you play any sports?: not anymore
How important are they to you?: very
How important is your reputation?: dude if i cared what other people thought i would be emo, not jock.
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: no. geeks are fun. i pick on fuckfaces
What do you think about football?: I <3 it
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: yup...cause i am
Do you wear glasses?: yup
Do you get good grades?: if i care to
Are you smart?: for the most part
Do you use an inhaler?: i dont have asthma
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: yup
Does your mom buy your clothes?: yup
How often are you on the computer?:a lot
Do you get picked on?: yup. makes life interesting