My more than likely not that earthshattering thoughts
Well I've been avoiding the computer period until after I had read the book. Which I finished in the wee hours of the morning. I was actually surprised by the amount of people who were completely disappointed in it. I, for the most part, loved it.
From what I've seen most people are having problems with characterizations. I think they were quite good. Harry's own viewpoint of the people around him was different so his perceptions of people were different. With Sirius this is the first time that Harry has spent any real time with the man. Before it was little snatches of time, and a few letters. He hardly knew him really.
I was never a huge fan of Sirius's before. Mostly because there wasn't enough there for me to make a real decision about him. In this book he became this real, flawed, actual person. He was someone who had a unpleasant history with his family, which went quite a ways to explaining why people easily believed he betrayed the Potters.
As for his general atittude, and his seeming coldness at times, or sulleness, well yeah makes sense to me. He went to Azkaban at around 20. Not really a place for emotional, and mental growth is it? Suddenly he's stuck in a house he hates with nothing but time on his hands, and feeling utterly useless. It's not surprising that he was depressed, which is how he came off to me at times.
Harry was just wonderful. I remember how angry and pissy I was at that age and I wasn't dealing with even a small percentage of what he is. He had every right to be angry, and resentful. And his temper and bratness was really just a good characterization of a fifteen year old boy. He grew up a bit, and was no longer content to just let things happen and not question it any more. He did deserve some answers, and to be frank, the ones Dumbledore gave him at the end weren't enough. As many mistakes as Harry made in the book the adults around him made just as many.
The part with Snape's pensive that some people seem to hate was quite good I thought. It fits perfectly with the little bit Snape has said about Harry's Dad. I don't think that just because people have written fic about the same sort of thing discounts it. Bearing in mind too that this was Snape's memory of the events. I think it also served the purpose of making his father a real person. He's no longer just this mythical figure anymore. He's real and flawed and that's going to help change Harry's perspectives. Help him realize that nothing is so black and white really. Realizing your parents are just human is a big step in growing up after all, and Harry didn't have the normal chances to learn that.
I absolutely loved the D.A. Harry is finally realizing his own potential really. As a leader, and as a wizard. Oh, and Umbradge(sp?). My God she was just evil. I found her more disturbing than Snape as a teacher who abuses power. With Snape you know he shows favortism, and that he can be vicious. With him it's all upfront. She is that person who abuses people with her power all the while acting like she's actually helping you, or saving you, or whatever. Throroughly repugnant. I've known people like her and her character made my skin crawl.
I also wish to say that my deep love of Neville has grown even more. I'm telling you his wand getting broken is going to be a turning point for him. Even more than being in D.A. was. And after facing down Death Eaters I can't see Snape really having that much effect on him anymore. Not to mention the Harry/Neville potential therein.
Cho was a horror. I'm happy to say that I'm glad Harry's over her, and not just because I prefer slash. Cause really, that's never gonna happen in canon. I just found her manipulative. She would not be good for Harry's mental or emotional state at all. I did like Harry's sense of humor in this one. More sarcastic and biting. There was a few times I actually laughed out loud.
And then there's the ending. Fuck. I cried. I really and truly cried. I had just got to like Sirius as a character. Harry's definite need for him in his life, and his own emerging feelings for Sirius as more than just this person ~out there~ who cared for him. It broke my heart. It felt so unfair, which life is of course.
Gah, there is much more that I want to say but it will have to wait. Besides I've only read it once. I expect the fandom as a whole will be dissecting this for months.