Bleach Obsession, much?

Apr 29, 2010 21:49

Hai there!

Its unheard of me to post this soon after my last post but most of this one centers around two/three colorings. So here we go:


Fitting, me thinks. She is that gorgeous.




Random Ryukken icon:

Special feature: UlqhiHime Gif mini signature

Here be some coloring in case you lovelies want to snag and have your way with them.

Phone spread: Lineart by Bender

This next one was done as a request for somebody but I haven't heard back from the individual for a while so its all yours if you want it. And surprisingly, its not Bleach.

If you want icons from any of the above colorings, let me know.

Credits and Comments will lift you to heaven's door. (hopefully)

us? XD

Wish me luck for exams!

Note: will be x-posted later.

khr, ichiruki, icons, colorings, ryukken, bleach

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