Sticky post: this journal.

Oct 01, 2012 21:58


I'm a biology geek living in the San Francisco Bay Area. My main current occupations are programming, reading obscure science fiction, and catching hold of unsuspecting people and telling them all about microscopic creatures until they surrender and look through the microscope. (If you have access to a microscope, pause here and go look through it. THERE ARE BEAUTIFUL AND UNSEEN WORLDS THERE.)

This journal is mostly about my fanfiction, fanfiction writing, WIPs and other fannish things. I started this back when I was a biology PhD student in India, occasionally scraping free time to write fanfiction. I write mostly in Vorkosigan Saga and Silmarillion fandom, though I have tried my hand at a few others.

I also blog about my work, my friends, my mental state, and things that happen to me in real life. I vacillate dramatically on the subject of how much internet privacy I want; this journal has been fully public, semi-private, and totally private, at different points. I don't know what the privacy setting will be tomorrow. But I always like to make new friends. If you tell me where you heard of me (fic/comms/ mutual friend/ mentioned somewhere on the internet) I will be happy to add you.

If you want to read my fic, the best place to look is my AO3 page. I used to crosspost on, but I got fed up of the site and took my fics off it. There are also some ficlets and short pieces on this journal.

Again, I vacillate dramatically on where I want to post my fics, what their visibility setting should be, and occasionally I just decide a fic is ridiculous and delete it. I wish I was a 100% stable person who always had a constant policy on Internet Things. But I am not. So, if you saw a fic of mine once but now you can't find it, please feel free to contact me (see below!). I will give it to you if I can.

I give blanket permission for transformative works to be made of my fic; this includes but is not limited to podfic, remixes, sequels, art, commentaries, and translations. I'd love it if you send me a link!

If you want to contact me, comment here, or email me at, or send me a PM on this site.
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