Title: Kodak Moment
Couple: Jaspeth
Prompt: #18: photograph
Word Count: 389
Note: Written for
twislash_100 xxx
Luka stared at the world around him with bright golden eyes. It was so full of color! And little things moved! Luka ran his chubby little hands back and forth over the green grass marveling at how if felt rough and soft at the same time. His movements cause something to move in the air and his attention turned to it. He watched with rapt attention as the thing came closer and closer until all he could see was the bright orange and black in front of his eyes.
A chuckle made Luka turn his head to the right. The orange and black disappeared and he saw his daddy lying on his stomach in the grass. Luka gave his daddy a bright smile. His daddy held out his hand and the orange and black thing moved to it. The colors moved apart and then back together slowly.
Luka looked from the thing in his daddy’s hand to his face.
“But-ter-fly,” Seth said slowly. “It’s a butterfly Luka. Can you say but-ter-fly?”
Luka’s nose scrunched up as he concentrated. He knew when his daddy or papa said something slowly they wanted him to say it too. He took in a deep breath.
The sudden loud sound scared the butterfly and it fluttered away. Luka watched it go sadly. His daddy chuckling brought his attention back to him again. “Good job Luka! You almost had it!” Seth beamed at his son and Luka returned the smile with his own semi-toothless one. “Look Luka,” Seth said as he picked a fluffy white dandelion. “Flower. Fl-ow-er.”
“Fower.” That one they had practiced before.
“Very good!” Seth blew on the dandelion, sending the fluffy white seeds into Luka’s face and hair. Luka squealed in delight.
A click drew Seth’s attention away from Luka and he smiled when he saw Jasper standing there holding a camera. Jasper returned the smile and took another picture. As they used to say, it was a Kodak moment. “He sure liked that butterfly,” he commented.
“Bufi! Bufi!” Luka exclaimed clapping.
Both Seth and Jasper laughed. “Yeah,” Seth agreed. “But he’ll like this even more.” Seth moved forward quickly and grabbed Luka. Rolling over onto his back he held Luka up and started tickling his sides. Luka’s laughter rang out through the clearing and Jasper snapped another picture.