Drabble: Forgetting

Jan 06, 2013 23:47

Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack/Jamie
Prompt: Forgetting

Jack stood next to the fresh grave. The rain of the past two days had turned the piled dirt to a mound of mushy mud. With Jack’s appearance the rain was changing over to ice and snow. He stood, leaning against his staff as he looked at the new tombstone.

Jamie Bennett
December 17, 2000 - December 21, 2017
Beloved son, brother and friend

Jack hung his head. Jamie had only been seventeen… much too young to have died. In a way, Jack felt responsible. It was some of his ice that had caused Jamie’s car to slide into the tree it did. Maybe if he had visited he could have warned Jamie…

But no, Jamie hadn’t seen him since he was fifteen. At least that’s how it seemed, Jamie’s window had been closed… locked even and he hadn’t responded to Jack’s knocks. It had broken Jack’s heart.

Someone stepped up beside him and when Jack glanced over he saw Sophie. The eleven year old was wearing a plain black dress, her hair pulled back in a plain ponytail. Her face was pale and her eyes red from crying. “Hi Jack,” she whispered.

Jack stiffened and turned to her. He hadn’t talked to Sophie since Jack had stopped seeing him. “You see me?”

Sophie gave him a confused look. “Of course I see you Jack. I’ve always seen you.”

Jack looked back down at the muddy ground. His blue eyes swam with tears. “I wish Jamie had still believed.”

“Jamie never forgot you Jack. He did believe, right to the end.”

Jack shook his head. “I tried to talk to him, he never saw me.”

“Did he ever walk through you?” Sophie asked. Jack blinked and thought about that.


“He still believed. He stopped talking to you because his friends were telling him to grow up. You know how much our friends mean to us in our teens. He may have ignored you… but he never forgot you.”

Jack couldn’t believe it… so Jamie had never forgotten. Kneeling he placed his hand on the gray stone, a beautiful pattern of frost covering the surface. “I’ll never forget you Jamie,” he whispered.

status: complete, length: drabble, media: fanfic, fandom: rise of the guardians, rating: g, slash, pairing: jamie/jack

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