Your issues, my issues.. the issues in general.

Sep 22, 2008 11:50

HAH! I haven't been to class all week :D -- Which has been awesome. I've been getting lots of nothing done. Lately I really just can't log into my online english class because everytime I do, my heart rate increases maybe 300%.

Lately I've been feeling.. passionate. Not in the intimate sense, in the what is right and what is wrong sense. I'm the youngest in my class (go figure) and I like to 'contend' against.. pretty much everyone I even slightly disagree with. They all think I'm just young and angry, and maybe that's true, or maybe they're all just fucking idiots. I'm usually picking fights with much, much older people who have children.

For example, I got in a argument with someone over China's role in the Olympics. They claimed that China showed dishonesty in cheating with their underage gymnastics team, trading the 'less attractive' singer for a 'cuter' lip-singer and manufacturing toys with lead paint. On these claims, she stated that the United States should cut off trade with China, manufacture our owns goods and stop including China in global sporting events.

Well, uh, that would be a great idea except -- if the U.S. cuts ties with CHINA over something as insignificant as stacking sports teams and using the cheapest goods to make products -- China would liquidate ALL OF THE MONEY THEY LOANED US. AMERICA'S CURRENCY IS BASED ON CREDIT. Thus, making America bankrupt. Not to mention, why would America even want to make their own goods if it's actually way cheaper to buy them? Americans don't waste their time or effort creating dolls and clothes, when we can be working on technological and medical breakthroughs and advances.

RAWR. For real? Disrupt all connections with China over cheating at sports and cheaply made goods? It's not like we don't notice! China isn't 'deceitful' (yes, that's the word she used to describe China). To be deceitful, you have to actually be DECEPTIVE. We are AWARE of what they are doing.

If anything, I would call Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution DECEITFUL. :P Fuck you, bitch. I'm glad you don't read my lj.

I got into it with someone else over gun control and that bitch actually tried to argue with me back.

..I'm just going to copy and paste it off the forums because I'm just appalled.

Ava's opponent:

Gun control that is a tough one! I do believe that keeping the public from having what our constitution states is our "rights" is not the way to go. For one thing as stated in the reading, it will not keep the criminals from getting what they want to accomplish their need for them. Frisking anybody suspected of having a gun infringes on our right to privacy. Reasonable suspicion is a pretty broad statement. Who defines reasonable? Parolees, unfortunately for them, gave up their rights to guns when they committed a crime. They know before they get one that they are not to have them.
Something not mentioned in the essay. How would this gun control affect the many men (some women) who enjoy hunting? Some even use the hunt to supply food for their families. Yes, some people still do that. Check out Midway in Katy during hunting season, lots of deer processing. How fair would it be for these people to have to give up their rights to have guns because criminals use them for something dreadful?
It would be great if this need for control would fix the problem. I just do not believe it will. Bad people will still find a way to get guns and continue to do bad things. Good people will suffer for it. In some cases “they” need a gun to protect themselves and their property. The “Right to Bare Arms” stated in the Second Amendment of our Constitution was set up for that reason.


People that hunt usually buy rifles or bigger guns, not concealable weapons. (Although that is not the case always, I'll admit) Hunters are also required to have a license for hunting. Stricter gun laws would probably recognize the purchase of guns under this profile for that of recreational use.

Generally, the opposite goes for criminals; they buy smaller concealable weapons as opposed to large, hard to disguise guns. I know some weapons for protection also follow suit in this description, but those who are protecting themselves also have a license.

Ava's opponent:

Your correct in stating that it is required to have a license but not all do. Just because they do not, does not mean that it is someone who intends to commit a crime... Traders Village a few years ago sold a gun to a young man who just wanted to use it for target practice... a rifle... no license... under age... not a criminal... any one can get one... not hard... (I donot agree with this)
big guns... sawed off shot guns... somewhat concealable... if you are someone with criminal intentions... you will find a way to use any gun you can get your hands on...
That should not prevent lawabiding citizens the right to bare arms as they wish too... that includes the ones who get them without a licenses...


I did not respond to that because I just got blisteringly ANGRY... but if I did.. my response would look something like this:

First off, this is a second level English class. LEARN GRAMMAR AND HOW TO SPELL. Second off, wow. That is ONE WEAK EXAMPLE. In this example, criminal activity was NOT EXPRESSED. Not to mention, wtf. It's not like everyone is just loading up heat. If I tried to buy a gun without a license in cash at some shady store, I'm sure I could get it, too, but there are repercussions for that so if I wanted a gun, I would try to get it LEGALLY. So, uh, what happens when the young man in the example is caught with that firearm and cannot provide a license? YEAH, EXACTLY. And.. uh, if you wanted a gun for protection reasons, wouldn't you go through the proper procedure to procure one? FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING BACKWOODS BITCH

RAWR. This is EXACTLY why I get mad 'in class.' If my class WASN'T online -- I feel like I'd actually fight someone eventually. Seriously, FIGHT ME, I'm DOWN, son!

china, gun control, english, idiots with a keyboard

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