I'm really having trouble believing it's May. Really I am. It seems like a few days ago it was christmas and all that jazz and it's friggen MAY UGH where is the time going? *huffs* silly time and it's silly silliness lmfao
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I love days that start out really really bad and end up really really amazing. Of course, they're not as good as days that start really amazing and end the same way, but still, yay!!
Sometime in December we got a call from Sympatico and they politely explained that we were special customers because of our good history with them or some craziness, and that we were eligable for this package that would get us a new modem and a better connection speed for 5 dollars extra a month. So my mom's thinking, okay cool why not, and she
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I'm really surprised how much I've been posting lately. Kinda proud of myself that I haven't been avoiding posting anything like the black plague *snort* I dunno, maybe I'm happy. Maybe I'm just a year older :P
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