Title: cold clear pools
Author: betony
Rating: T
Words: 270
Genre: Gen
Char/Pair: All named Avatars + unnamed Avatar
Warnings: AUs. One sentence fic?
Summary: There is more to being the Avatar than simply following the rules.
A/N: Parentheticals after each section title include the subject of each chakra, as well as the emotion that blocks said chakra. All information regarding chakras and timelines come from Avatar Wiki, with the exception of Yangchen’s plotline; since we don’t know too much about her, and since the remaining Sun Warriors' reaction to visitors suggest they might have been hunted in the past, I smushed the two together and decided that Yangchen protected them from the Fire Sages’ invasion of their lands. Also, first entry; I hope that's all right!
.earth. (survival/fear)
Kyoshi has learned her lessons well from a childhood under the rule of the weakling Earth King, so as the Avatar, her heart leaps to imagine a world where none must live in fear as she has; in Korra’s day, five hundred years later, they still speak in hushed voices of Kyoshi the Conqueror.
Tarlokk says, “You are our Avatar, our protector; you deserve all our gifts and more,” and Korra, seeing that he is right, takes his hand and smiles.
.fire. (willpower/shame)
In the Fire Nation, nothing is so sacred as the bond between friends; Roku lances lightning into Sozin’s dangling body and turns his back on a thousand years of culture.
.air. (love/grief)
Aang does not weep for Gyatso, or Appa, or ZukoTophSokkaKatara; when negotiating a surrender with the Phoenix King in exchange for the Earth Kingdom’s survival and asked to explain his sacrifice of his friends, he only replies that he chose a higher love.
.sound. (truth/lies)
Yangchen confesses to the Fire Sages, “The last Sun Warriors you hunt hide on an island to the north,” and with that, a civilization is entirely overcome.
.light. (insight/illusion)
“You’re not her,” Kuruk snarls at Ummi’s face as he hurls his spear (so light, for such a bloodthirsty thing) forward into Koh’s chest; the world tumbles out of balance and he doesn't care.
.thought. (pure cosmic energy/earthly attachments)
The lion turtle speaks of a world controlled by elements rather than energy, of being bound to this world when no other soul remains, of being deaf to the music of the stars; the first Avatar thinks this over and simply replies, “No.”