Okay, I scanned all 62 cards! AND, they're even somewhat organized!!! =D
I used imageshack cuz you can click on it twice to see it full size. You can only read the small bottom text when it's at full size. =P
Cover of box.
Back of all TCG cards minus chamber cards.
Chamber cards: Zhao and Afiko, front and back
Airbenders: Monk Gyatso and Afiko
Airbenders: Aang, plus Kyoshi and others
Earthbenders: Haru and Bumi
Firebenders: Sweet Iroh cards, Zuko (I only got one Zuko! ;_; ), Zhao, Warden
Jojo, Malu, Kinto, Jet, Appa, Pirate, and CABBAGE MAN!!!
Water people: Katara, Sokka, plus random people
Something I noticed: see the cover image? Doesn't it look like the DVD covers from different angles? So I bet the fourth DVD will look like that bottom pic of Zuko...
If anybody gets the Katara chamber card, SCAN IT! It's soooo pretty. T_T I wish I had it.