Name: Vanja
Originally Stamped As: Long Feng
Five positive adjectives to describe you: Calm/collected, analytical, clever, (dryly) "humorous," adaptable
Five negative adjectives to describe you: Critical, manipulative, obstinate, mistrusting, contradicting (in terms of my actual personality)
Post the links to four recent applications you've voted on: Do you ever initiate arguments or fights?
Physical fights? No, as I don't see the point (if you want to harm someone, words tend to do a better job of that anyway). Arguments? Yes, if I feel someone would either be entertaining to argue with or if I'm inspired to point out the flaws in someone's reasoning/ideas.
Would you say you have a high tolerance for pain?:
Very. Per example, I actually have a scar on my leg where I was sliced by glass, but at that time of that incident? I didn't even make a sound or turn back until later when someone else made a scene about it. I wouldn't call myself a masochist, but pain barely seems to bother me... and I'm often rather amused by it.
Are you more direct or stealthy?:
Stealthy; it's easier to control the situation from that approach.
Do you prefer confrontations to be up close and personal or from a distance?:
Depends on what you mean by 'confrontations.' Since this theme revolves around physical fights, I'll say that I prefer to at least have enough distance to judge my opponent's movements.
Do you prefer items which are unique or do you tend to buy more generic brands?:
If I have a choice, definitely unique. In reality I buy a lot of generic brands simply because they're cheap and I have college expenses to consider first, though.
Do you ever get emotionally attached to items? If so, to what extent?:
I'm detached when it comes towards most things, so not really. Moving on...
Are you willing to undergo extensive training to master a weapon?:
Certainly. While it would be nice if I could have something to at least defend myself with before completely mastering it, if I must be more vulnerable at the beginning in exchange for more strength later on, then so be it.
Your village is under a surprise attack! What's the first thought that runs through your head?:
"Hmm... what is their exact motive for attacking us? We're a village, we can't be that important. Even if we're already at war with [these attackers], you'd think they'd be focusing their energy on something of more value... If they wanted to demoralize us, wouldn't they be burning the fields instead of just attacking?" /just standing there unresponsively. DX
Regardless of what your first thought was, are you ultimately more likely to make sure that everyone is safe, to jump in the fray, or something else entirely?:
Frankly, I can't think of any situation where I secured the safety of others, and I'm a bit reluctant to start randomly swinging at people.
So, something else entirely. What that means exactly depends on many factors. If I feel the need to save this village, I would provide creative plans to ward off our invaders with what little we have. If the opposite is true, I may be just standing there thinking "Ah, just let them take it/burn it/whatever just so long as they don't hurt my cat. Why on earth am I living in a village anyway? I hate rural areas... now I have an excuse to move!"
Somehow, you've managed to defeat the invaders. Many of them are still alive, however; what do you do with them?:
Depends on what I did in the above question. Assuming I did indeed want the village to survive, then my first priority would be questioning them. After that, it would depend on the individuals. If they're intent on still being a threat, holding them as prisoners of war or killing them would only be appropriate.
... yes, I have a feeling my answers to that section weren't very helpful. X;
Despite it all, part of picking a weapon is pure preferences. Pick all that would appeal to you in a weapon:
[ ] Bluntness
[/] Sharpness (I prefer sharp to blunt, but so long as it's useful, neither would bother me.)
[x] Speed
[/] Defense
[ ] Tradition
[x] Elegance
[x] Efficiency
[ ] Small
[ ] Large
Which weapon do you think you're least suited for and why? A club. Compared to the others, how is that even supposed to be effective? I may as well be fighting with a large stick.
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