Name: Dara
Age: Older than all the main characters. Not quite drinking age in some RL countries.
Spicy food, sweet food, my obaachan’s homemade umeboshi. Funny things. I like it when I set my goals ridiculously high and still manage to reach them. Winning. Being clever. The fullbody exhaustion from competitions. Chilling out and doing absolutely nothing.
Dislikes: Hamlet.
Ha. Actually, I dislike deadlines. Boring things. Failing. Not knowing where I’m going in life. Liars. People who lack empathy. People who don’t want to understand.
Well, I am physically strong - though not as much as I was a couple of years ago. Intelligent. Artistic and creative. Athletic. Pretty easy-going for the most part. Stubborn - when I make a stand, I won’t budge…and I stick with something until it complies with my will.
Stubborn - sometimes I should really choose my battles better. It’s hard for me to swallow my pride. I’m a little arrogant. I’m a lazy procrastinator. And I tend to bite off more than I can chew. Time-management.
What compliments do you frequently receive?:
The usual - you’re so nice, pretty, smart, etc. A job well done.
... and what negative comments do you often hear?:
I’ve been told I’m awkward a lot. Which I am so I don’t really take offence to it.
I’ve also been told I have/had a lot of potential. Which always makes me feel miserable because what’s implied is that I’m squandering it. And I kinda agree with it too.
Oh, and that I’m too hard on myself. Which I guess I am. I operate from the assumption that if I can do it, it’s not good enough.
Please post the links to three recent applications you've voted on:
here, and
Leader or Follower?: Follower, but I will lead if that’s what’s required. I don’t want to let anybody down.
Idealist or Realist?: Life-tempered Idealist? Generally I tend to believe in the best of people, but life has taught me a few important lessons and they are always in the back of my mind.
Lover or Fighter?: I think most people view me as a lover…but I’m more of a fighter. I thrive on competition. I just don’t show that part of myself very much.
Cautious or Impulsive?: If I’m calm I’m cautious. Usually I’m fairly calm.
Mature or Immature?: Immature. I need to grow up some.
Forgiving or Grudge holding?: I’m forgiving. I tend to forget things like that. Unless it’s something like lying and betraying my trust. If it’s that, then I might forgive but I would never forget.
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist?: Optimist, I believe that even though a lot of shitty things will happen along the way, in the end everything will be alright. Provided you don’t give up.
Favourite Avatar character and why:
Zuko. I love the way his character develops over the series. His story is complex and tinged with tragedy. He’s been a total jerk, but he’s also been very kind. He’s got a good heart. Plus, he’s a total DORK. It’s hilarious.
I’ve noticed a trend in my favorite characters: tall, dark, and grumpy.
Least Favourite Avatar character and why:
Ozai. He almost seems inhuman with his cruelty. I could never respect someone who is so callous with the people who should be precious to them.
Favourite Avatar episode and why:
The Western Air Temple. A MILLION times over. Simply for Zuko’s “Hi, Zuko here” and Appa slobber.
Do you see yourself as a Firebender, Waterbender, Earthbender or Airbender and why:
Probably Earthbender. For one, I’m really down to Earth. For another, I hate double talk and duplicity - just say what you mean, damn it. There ARE ways to tell the truth AND be tactful. And finally, I’m afraid of getting burned.
If you could have one character as your teacher, who would it be and why?:
Definitely not Toph, she’s way too much of a hardass. Not Katara either, since I’m sure her teaching methods would grate on me as patronizing and overbearing. Don’t get me wrong, I like them both…but not as teachers.
I think Iroh would be awesome. Sort of a nice balance between the two.
Given the choice, would you rather have peace or power (or even neither) and why?:
Conflict forces people to grow spiritually and physically. Power makes overcoming conflict too easy. So neither.
Now you're offered to either take a ride on Appa or go study for a bending test tomorrow. Your choice?
I only ever study the day before the test. So I would have to choose study in this situation.
You hear a popular rumor about a mystic flower which will, without a doubt, make your romantic interest more interested in you. You...
I do nothing. It’s wrong to force someone like that and manipulate their feelings. Plus, you’ll always wonder if they truly like you for you. Gain their attention through your own merits.
Someone has thrown you a surprise birthday party! They've invited several people who they've met along their travels, but who you are unacquainted with. How do you react during the party in general?
I’d be interested in these people and probably talk to them more than anybody else. They’re new enough that my shyness won’t get in the way, and hopefully their travels will keep the small talk to a minimum.
You're going to fight your most powerful enemy tomorrow. What do you spend the day doing?:
Try to keep well rested and fed. Keep calm. Take deep breaths. Do light stretches. Imagine attacks, counterattacks, and tactics. Consider multiple scenarios.
While on an important task, you come across a stranger being attacked by a group of enemy benders. You...:
I would try to distract them in a way that wouldn’t implicate me, but would force them away. Like, set their komodo rhinos or ostrich horses free, make a loud banging noise, and hide. Then I would check up on the stranger.
Of course, something similar happened in elementary school once. Instead of being sneaky I used direct confrontation. It led to an awkward school yard fight.
... and now you find someone collapsed on the road near your home! Today is not a good day for random strangers. Do you do anything about this?:
Well, yeah. Flip out my cell, dial 911, and keep my thumb hovering over the send button as I approach them. If they’re seriously hurt, I’m prepared. If they try to hurt me, I’ll press send, throw the cell into the grass, and defend myself while trying to repeatedly yell out the address.
It may or may not work, but it’s better than nothing.