Artist Sign-Ups are OPEN!
(May 15th-June 20th)
Please use the handy-dandy form. If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ below.
Artist FAQ
So how does this work?
First step is signing up. Then, on June 16th you will be given a set of summaries, prepared by our hardworking authors, to choose from. These summaries will not include the author name and the actual claiming on the artist’s part will be screened.
Once you make your claim on a fic you feel you could draw for, the mod will provide you the author’s contact information along with a rough draft/outline. You would illustrate a scene or two from there.
May I draw for more than one author?
Yes please! Every artist will be allowed to contribute to 1 fic, and if there is a shortage of artists the mod will send out a call for additional volunteers who can handle two or more projects.
I am already a Big Bang author. Can I be an artist, too?
Absolutely! If you are sure you can do both projects, you are welcome to join up as both an author and an artist. You cannot claim your own summary, however.
I really, really want to draw for my friend/favorite author. Can I claim him/her now?
Summaries will be claimed on a first come, first serve basis starting June 16th. There will not be any claims accepted ahead of time.
What type of art will you accept?
The Avatar Big Bang will accept all forms of art in any medium, from traditional drawings, to videos. The finished piece must be complete at time of submission.
Is there a rating limit?
The rating limit will be the same as the fic you are creating your art for. No NC-17 rated drawings on PG rated stories, please.
Help! I can’t get in touch with my author/artist. What do I do?
Please email the mod. We will work with you to come up with an alternative or a solution.
I have another question!
Then please comment below or email the mod at .
Sign up form:
Name: username(s) you go by (the most) at LJ, IJ, Deviant, Myspace, or archives
Email: Not a "" address
Are you currently a Avatar Big Bang author? Y/N
Other remarks (availability, notice needed, etc.):