I actually didn't turn the computer on for two days. Scary.
Did presents with mom on Christmas eve so it was nice and quiet then
watched Jurassic Park with her and ate chicken wings for dinner *grin*
it's my favourite, honestly. Got spoiled absolutely rotten by everyone
and I'm happy to say that I adored EVERYTHING I got. So far *grin*
Y'know how sometimes you get something and it's nice and all, but it's
kind of a yeah, okay, that's nice kinda thing? Not this year *grin*
Christmas morning I was up at 7 *dies* because Fergus or Angus, I think
was it Angus (almost typed Fergle and Haggis, their nicknames *laughs*)
was howling at mom's door at 3:30 so I got up and called him into my
room where he cuddled me and fell asleep. Annoying little bugger. Cute
though. So got up at seven, had a little breakfast then...gah, can't
remember what I did that morning. Left for Uncle Dom and Aunt Silvia's
for lunch and on the way called Taryn and talked to her for a few
minutes *dances* definitely one of the highlights of Christmas. Had
Christmas lunch that went from 12-4, then came home, fed the horses,
played a game of cards, then went to Trail for Mike's family Christmas
*grin* that was fun, the family adored my mom (yay) and apparently kept
telling her how much they adore me! That's definitely good. I really like his family. So we left Mike's parent's house around 10ish and drove home.
Boxing day at work was hell. There is no other way to describe it.
Death to customers. I mean, honestly, they want SO much. Nothing is
ever good enough. But I'm not bitter, honest!
Today was much the same. *mutters* now I have five days off, which is
beyond nice. I'm thrilled! Only bad thing is my mom's computer is not
as good as I thought it was. It has almost no RAM which makes my
Christmas present kinda useless, at least for now. Just incentive to
get my laptop I guess *laughs*
Oh yes, and the Christmas gifts. I think I listed off everything I gave
to people, and am happy to say that everyone LOVED their gifts. Mike
really liked the filters, too, so YAY!
So I got:
A beautiful soft blue bathrobe from mom
a mini tripod, some really fun socks and some toblerone bars in my stocking
smelly bath stuff (yay) also from mom
Candles from Mike's Nonna, and another one from his mom and dad
nail polish from Teresa (Mike's sister)
bird toys, cat treats, guinea pig treats and a pretty basket from Courtnee
a really cool waterfall/water fountain desk top thing from my aunt and uncle
soft sock from mom's best friend that match my bathrobe (and she didn't even know I don't think)
a new camera bag from me *grin*
And the best gifts (along with the bathrobe) were Scrubs season 2 from Mike AND...
World Of Warcraft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But mom's stupid computer won't run it. Bah. I guess I'll just have to
use my money from Dad and holiday pay and whatnot a little sooner than
expected to get myself my laptop. *mutters*
And I already have two characters planned out *rubs hands together
gleefully* and there seems to be something on the World of Warcraft
community page about transferring characters so maybe when Mike goes to
school I'll transfer Aiyaela too.
By the way, did I mention that Mike's going to cop school in a month?
He got in he got in he got in!!!!!!!!!! *happyhappydancedance*