Those of you for whom there are questions to which I obviously know the answers may feel free to omit said questions. e.g., argon_fc could omit, if he chose, the tattoo/piercings question, since I know his answer to it
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Ok, you know question #2? The philosophy question? What if we both try to catalogue our respective philosophies, and have at least one chapter ready for LJ by a certain date? I think that would be a lot of fun, as well as helping both of us get down on paper (or computer screen) the entirety of our thoughts.
Let's set the date if you think this is a good idea.
I have from time to time considered the idea of writing a philosophy book, probably in the form of simple rules to live by. Like a "Dummies" or "Complete Idiots Guide" for, well, dummies and complete idiots, because some of these people really need the advice, and will actually consider it if they read it in a dummies book rather than if they hear it from a friend. Plus there’s lot’s of money to be made in self-help books : -) The thing is, whenever I started to write it, I always had trouble organizing it, and making it all connected into a unified whole. I tend to think in a dynamic, intuitive fashion, so it's hard for me to think of all of the details at once, rather than only when circumstances bring them to the fore. Anyway, before I got too far along, I'd always get involved in a higher priority project, and totally forget about working on the book. ::shrugs:: Such is my life
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Comments 10
::shakes head:: I can't believe you like SkipBo. What is wrong with you?
2. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? Sleep.
3. What talent do you wish you had? The ability to shit gold.
4. Favorite place? Scotland
5. Favorite vegetable? Celery
6. What was the last book you read? House of Leaves
7. Are you Dirty or Clean? A bit of both, decidedly.
8. Any tattoos and/or piercings? Left ear, against my will.
9. Worst habit? ...When I get stressed I get bad gas. ;_;
1. How did we meet? Through feytaline when we went to the zoo ( ... )
Let's set the date if you think this is a good idea.
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