
Mar 22, 2013 05:30


Sign-ups Close: 10 January
Assignments go out: 13 January
First Check-in: 1 February
Second Check-in (MANDATORY): 15 February
Works Due: 1 March
Works Revealed: 5 March
Authors Revealed: 7 March


It's very important that you read the rules, and you read all of them. Otherwise, something could go quite badly wrong for someone, and we don't want that at all.

  1. While you are signing up to be matched with someone, this is not necessarily a gift exchange. You won't be paired on kinks, themes, or any of the usual things you're matched on with gift exchanges. Instead, you'll be matched matched on overall fandom (Iron Man, for example) and whether or not a person has written something that doesn't fall under your listed squicks or triggers. If you feel you may have been paired up with someone in error, or feel that you'll be unable to complete your assignment, let me know ASAP. There will be no punishment for dropping out before the deadline. If you do have to drop out, you'll be replaced with a pinch-hitter. If you drop out without warning (ie, fail to report to either check-in), or after the deadline, you will be barred from any future remix challenges. There may be exceptions, but don't count on it.

  2. Remixes may be fic or art. Fic must be at least 1000 words, and free of spelling and basic grammar issues. You may want to consider a beta, but they will not be required. If a fic has obviously not even been spell-checked, or if it's considerably under the 1000 word minimum, you will be barred from any future rounds. Note: fics do not have to be... whatever the snappy word is for American-picked, but it might be nice if that's an option available to you. Also, word counters vary. I won't bring Mjölnir down upon you if you upload something at 998 words. Do try to avoid this, though.

    Art must be complete and polished. Quick sketches on lined paper do not count. Art does not have to be in colour, but it is nice.

  3. Please try to keep as close to the original work as possible. I don't mean you have to just re-write the fic, or re-draw the picture in a slightly different way. In fact, try to do it as differently as possible. Write it from a different POV. Write it as an AU, or take it in another direction. The entire fanwork is your prompt. But you should keep the basic structure of the fanwork intact. If you chose to remix a piece about Tony and Steve off having an adventure, the remixed work should draw from something in the fic itself. Writing a completely unrelated Coffee Shop AU with Tony and Steve wouldn't really be a remix. If you get paired with a gen author, use your best judgement, but you probably don't want to just write porn.

  4. Participants must have at least THREE completed fics of 1000 words each, or three completed pieces of art to sign up to the challenge.

    Clafification: Eligible fics are those which are complete, 1000 words or longer, and NOT crossed-over with any non-Marvel fandom. Fics where another Marvel superhero or group show up are eligible, so long as the central focus is on the Anvegers.

    Fics crossed-over with non-Marvel fandoms are not eligible, nor are any stories you deem to be exempt (the remixer may choose to remix any crossovers if they want, but they do not count toward your three; remixers may not remix anything that has been exempted). Exempt stories are those which you do not want to have remixed, for whatever reason (they're already remixes, they're gifts for someone else. Whatever. I won't ask). Please try to only list 2-3 at maximum. If you don't have three completed fics after these exceptions, you can always sign up as a pinch-hitter. These are the people who will take over an assignment in the event that someone drops out. Please note that as a pinch-hitter, you may have very little time in which to write your fic.

  5. Avengers fics crossed over with other Marvel franchises (Spider-Man, X-Men) are eligible. If you do not wish to remix for non-Avengers fandoms, please note this in your sign-up form.

  6. Please do not list portmanteau or pairing names when you fill out your forms. I don't know what they all mean. Write out the characters names (Steve/Tony, Clint/Natasha). This will make matching go much more smoothly.

  7. There will be two check-ins before remixes are revealed. The first one will not be mandatory, but strongly encouraged. The second one will be mandatory, and failure to check in will be considered a drop-out and your assignment will be given to a pinch-hitter. Please check in so I don't have to give your assignment to a pinch-hitter.

  8. There will also be occasional posts throughout the duration of the challenge for cheerleading, finding betas, and general exchange woes. While also not mandatory, they will be recommended.


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