"I SMELL LIKE GREASE AND FAILED DREAMS!!!!!!" thanks, lauren. you were quick with the wit this weekend. as was everyone in the ff. because we have class. :-)
drunk. of cocurse. its a thrusrday in berkeley. i am runk. ummmm...not much else to ssay. sigma chi exchage briefly at pi lam then to kdr where they had preettty damn good drinks i think i had like 5. plus the ons i had at EX. so yewah. ok i hope i am not hungthefuckover tommrowoe. later poeoples. <3, katie
A - Accent: i'm from socal, but i don't really think we have accents...we do have a certain way of speaking, however, but the two aren't the same thing
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1. One secret. 2. One compliment. 3. One random statement. 4. One criticism. 5. One love note. 6. Lyrics to a song. 7. How old you are. 8. How long we've been friends. 9. And a hint to who you are.
last night, kendall (or should i say "kennel") & i saw reel big fish in concert at the house of blues on the sunset strip. omg, they are SO fucking awesome. i love ska with all of my heart
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