fic (bsg): out of gas and riding on air

Jan 02, 2010 21:46

Title: Out of Gas and Riding on Air

Author: averita

Summary: For weeks, she’s been desperate to get this trial over with, to send Gaius Baltar through an airlock and move on with the rest of the fleet. She still is, but now there’s a new battle to fight, and part of her is ready to lay down her arms.

AN: Written for duathkaimler for the adama_roslin Secret Santa exchange. ( Read more... )

fic: bsg, tv: bsg, lj: public, ship: adama/roslin, writing: fanfiction

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Comments 23

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averita January 4 2010, 00:52:43 UTC
Thank you very much! I agree, I'm glad that they had time together after this - I've struggled with Laura's 4.5 arc so writing this helped me a little bit!


laricina January 3 2010, 08:01:35 UTC
This is so wonderfully done. I love the idea that Laura opened herself up to Bill enough to want him to be with her the second time around, and the ending hurts a bit but it was sweet, too.

The exchange between Saul and Laura was perfect.

I love this, thank you so much!


averita January 4 2010, 00:53:14 UTC
I'm so glad you like it!


cutemaggie January 3 2010, 08:43:59 UTC
aww honey, that was so lovely and beautiful &hearts
ohh thank You so much for posting this story :*


averita January 4 2010, 00:53:31 UTC
Thank YOU for commenting!


zinke January 3 2010, 13:01:54 UTC
This was truly beautiful, and fits perfectly into canon. I especially love how how you've portrayed Laura's telling Bill about the cancer: “Last time I did this without you,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice level. “I’d rather not this time.” because it rings so true to me. All that emotion tied up in a few very matter-of-fact words; it's just so very Laura.

Well done!


averita January 4 2010, 00:55:26 UTC
Thank you so much for commenting! I'm so glad you liked it - as I said, I really struggled with it. I need to write more this year ;)


triplesnap January 3 2010, 14:06:24 UTC
So, so heartbreaking and beautiful. Well done. :-)


averita January 4 2010, 00:55:35 UTC
Thank you so much!


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