snagged from a few of you...

Sep 12, 2010 18:24

Any questions you've wanted to ask me, but didn't know how? Maybe we haven't known each other too long and you're playing catch up, or maybe we've known each other for years but somehow you've never figured out what I do for a living. Go ahead and ask! Anything goes.

Anon commenting is on, IP logging is off. I'll answer in a seperate post.

lj: public, meme

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Comments 6

starbuck92 September 12 2010, 23:30:39 UTC
What do you do for a living? :)


firstlady1408 September 12 2010, 23:57:32 UTC
What thing you dont have would make you happy?


37_soul_sister September 13 2010, 02:32:32 UTC
What exactly were the "complications" after your mono that made you have the heart issues?

What exactly is up with your mom? I know I've asked you this before, but somewhere along the way, I've forgotten, or it's gotten mixed up in my mind.

What do you think of the cold weather up here? Love it? hate it? Thoughts?


meryl_edan September 13 2010, 02:57:03 UTC
Do you think fangirling has a detrimental effect on your life in any way?


whenidream September 13 2010, 12:20:41 UTC
Do you ever see yourself "moving on" from fangirling? If so, why would you do it, when do you think it would happen, and what will you spend your time doing instead?

Do you have any idea what causes anxiety for you, like is there an issue way in the back of your head that started it at the beginning?


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