Winter Break, Days 5 & 6

Dec 26, 2005 12:44

So MERRY CHRISTMAS, everybody. Or, as Lennon tells me the folks in Duncan, Oklahoma put it: "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" Me, I prefer to just say fuck you Santa Claus, keep your holiday to yourself, or at least away from families like mine. I can handle it when shit goes down on a normal day, but on a day like Christmas it would be great if everyone could just get along. Since that's apparently out of the question these days, I think Christmas and all other happy-go-lucky holidays need to just go straight to hell. Then maybe, just maybe, the fighting wouldn't hurt so much, and maybe, just maybe, everyone wouldn't be so stressed out. It may just be because I'm old now (19 is almost half-way over...), but I would really be glad to trade in all my presents just for one night with my family of days gone by. The family that was so much fun to be around, the family that was interesting and dynamic and happy. Once upon a time, though I can barely remember it these days, I had one of the coolest families imaginable. Something happened, I'm not sure what, and then we cut to the present day and all I've got are six people who are genetically related to eachother. Only my dad still feels like my family - my brothers are friends and my mom...well, it'd really be great if she would just disappear. Not die, but you know, just go away and leave me alone and STOP pushing me closer and closer to the brink of insanity.


I can only be angsty and melodramatic for so long. Today Caitlin, Kat and I are all supposed to be going out to Bay Street, just like the good little consumers we are. In my personal defense, I need new underware and one of the few times I subscribe to name brand is in the case of Victoria's Secret. It's the inner girl, or something - I just love that store, even its abundance of pink. Perhaps especially it's abundance of pink. That extra X chromosome does weird things to a person.

Next Few Days:

-Joseph is somewhere around (that is, on Telegraph with Madison...!!)
-Pho w/Alex (yummmm)
-Lennon comes home on the 29th (good times have since ensued)
-Matt D. is supposed to call (but we haven't had an adventure *sad*)
-Sleepover at Caethan's! (didn't actually do this b/c it was unnecessary)
-More books (I've read 4!) (and now I'm almost done with #5)
-Written test at DMV (didn't do this either b/c I didn't care)
-Thank you notes for presents
-Beach in SF
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