TakiTsuba Fanficlet: Pillow Talk

Aug 22, 2011 07:52

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Genre:  Fluff and romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Pillow talk turns mission impossible.


Pillow Talk

'Tsubasa-chan, let's marry and have kids,' Takki coos as he snuggles against his adoring partner, burying his face in the latter's smooth chest. It's slightly damp. But Takki doesn't mind. It's evidence of their fervent lovemaking.

'Okay. How many?' Tsubasa asks sweetly, like a mother humouring a silly child.


'300?!' Tsubasa repeats with a laugh. 'You said 3 yesterday.'

'Today, I want 300.'

'We'll have to live up to 300 odd to have that many kids. It's humanly impossible.'

'I don't care!' Takki pouts and pounds his fist lightly on Tsubasa's taunt abdomen.

'Okay, okay, 300 it is,' Tsubasa answers in defeat. 'So who's carrying them?'

'You, of course, sweetheart!' Takki squeals and squeezes Tsubasa tightly.

'I think I'll die.'

Turning serious, Takki gives it a thought and agrees.

'We'll take turns then, division of labour.'


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Next up, sequel to the above, TakiTsuba picficlet: T&T 9 Years On

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