Dad's army

Oct 08, 2010 06:49

Does anyone know where I could get British uniforms from WWII and/or patterns for the uniforms?

Its for a theater production of "Dads Army" and Ill try and check some of places before I go to London tomorrow.

Ive said im happy to make stuff but it may be easier, cheaper and more authentic to buy the real thing. Most "stuff" should still be source ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mr_h_r_hughes October 8 2010, 07:08:21 UTC
Re-enactor sites often have patterns though when I've been to watch re-enactment events their are usually far more people doing US or German thatn British army.


agentinfinity October 8 2010, 07:44:02 UTC
Some theatres hire out costumes cheaply and this is the sort of thing they would probably have in stock (Leeds playhouse, do, for example, but I'm sure there are examples nearer to you). If you haven't been to Leeds playhouse costume hire, btw, I recommend a visit. It is ace, especially the historical stuff.

I think it tends to be theatres with some sort of community link (or, in fact, ones with 'playhouse' in the title, as Bradford playhouse also hire, but have a much smaller choice).


november_girl October 8 2010, 08:48:00 UTC
Magpie in Evesham has a large selection of that kind of thing. It's about halfway down the High Street on the western side.


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