[Character Name] Princess Gwendolyn
[Canon] Odin Sphere
[Point Taken from Canon] The Book Valkyrie, Chapter Three, Act Six.
[Age] Unknown, perhaps 18.
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual
[Eye Color] Blue-to-violet
[Hair Color] Silver
[Height] 5’4”
[Other] She has wings attached to her hips, and also attached to the sides of her head, where her ears are located, which are a deep, dark blue.
[Clothing] Gwendolyn has two styles of clothing: her Valkyrie Uniform, which consists of her Valkyrie armor, and a very short skirt and gather to allow room for her wings for flight. When in this attire, she wears her hair up in a braided bun, and over her head-feathers, she wears a mock headband of feather, which protect the actual wings underneath, and her crown. With her battle attire, she is always seen carrying her Psypher Spear. When she is out of uniform, she wears a dress with a black corset top and long gloves, and the skirts are multiple shades of blue, with a white covering. Her silver hair is down, which is very long, and her natural head-feathers are spread out and visible.
Gwendolyn was born the youngest child to the Lord Odin, and a valkyrie. She has an elder sister Griselda from the same mother, whom is unknown (though due to what valkyries are in mythology, it could hint at the fact that her mother was a human princess). She also has two half-siblings she was unaware of, Velvet and Ingway, whom have the same father, Odin. At this point in time, she only realizes that one of them exists, Velvet.
Gwendolyn was raised alongside her sister Griselda in the capital, Ragnanival. There, Griselda became Commander of the Valkyries, leading the female troops to victory time after time. Gwendolyn shortly followed after as a young warrior, though was always overshadowed by her older sister. However, the young woman did not feel any ill-will towards her and Griselda's prowess in battle. It was only a reminder that she could always become stronger. Gwendolyn did her best in efforts to become a skilled valkyrie in order to fight by her sister, as well as earn the affections of her father, Lord Odin.
It was recently, during a war with the Fairies that Griselda fell in battle, leaving Gwendolyn with her Psypher Spear, as well as the title of Commander of the Valkyries, and the only remaining Princess of Ragnanival. Griselda told her little sister not to cry for her, as she was leaving the world a great warrior, and that their father, Odin, would undoubtedly praise her for her actions, getting the recognition she desired in life only in death. Gwendolyn did not want her sister to be alone, and stated she would join her soon. However, as she engaged the dreaded “Shadow Knight Oswald” in combat (one of the most powerful fighters in their world), the man let her go without killing her. When the young princess returned to the castle, Gwendolyn told Odin of Griselda's deeds in battle. However, Odin merely wanted to launch an attack, and said nothing of the death of his daughter. When Gwendolyn questioned him about this, he merely replied, “Words will not bring your sister back”. It was because of this, that Gwendolyn realized she and her sister were never loved or given the recognition they craved-and perhaps never would, no matter what they did.
In Somarium, Gwendolyn is appearing after her father, Demon Lord Odin, puts her into a deep sleep after disobeying the law and not allowing the execution of the Witch of the Forest, Velvet. This is due to the fact that Velvet is her father's first daughter, and daughter to the only woman he ever loved. Gwendolyn saw how much Odin would suffer at the death of his first daughter, and thus went to save her in efforts to have her father recognize her.
Despite the fact that her father knew what she had done, Gwendolyn proclaimed that she did it to spare him from suffering. She was to undergo the customary punishment: to have her title as a valkyrie (and due to her station, Princess) stripped away from her, and be put under a sleeping spell. When she awoke, her heart and life would belong to a stranger, and she would be forced to bear his children and become subservient to him. All Valkyrie, when they were unable to fight or reached a certain age, were forced to marry a Berserker (the male warriors of Ragnanival), in order to breed strong children, whom would then also be either a Berserker or a Valkyrie. It was the prospect of being stripped of their pride and honor that made this a dreadful fate to the Valkyrie.
Gwendolyn will be taken from before she awakens, as if Somarium is during the time she is under the sleeping spell. She does not know whom she will be wed to at this point, nor what her fate will be whenever she awakens from Somarium.
Gwendolyn is, first and foremost, the youngest daughter of Lord Odin, and a valkyrie, the female warriors of the world of Ragnanival. Being the daughter of the god and warlord Odin, Gwendolyn is fierce in on the front line, claiming that "my [her] only happiness stems from battle". She has been raised to be a proud and powerful young warrior, and takes that role in her father's life very seriously. However, underneath the expected strength of a valkyrie, Gwendolyn struggles with emotions that are more befitting of a young woman her age. Due to her father's negligence, she fights with the constant nagging thought that she has never been loved by anyone in her life. These emotions must be pushed down, in order to maintain her appearance as a solider that holds no fear.
The people of Ragnanival treat her with the utmost respect, especially after the death of her older sister, Griselda, during a war against the Fairy Kingdom. Gwendolyn then obtains the Psypher Spear her sister used, as well as her place as Commander of the Valkyrie forces. Even with such a weight now on her shoulders, the young woman feels more towards her people, rather than merely gunning for their success in battle. She finds herself constantly worrying about the health and the might of their troops, not wanting them to rush into their deaths, despite their prowess. When confronted by the Bird Phantom after the death of her sister, the Bird reveals itself as her inner thoughts. The words the Bird gives Gwendolyn are, usually, rather optimistic, which puts a different perspective on what Gwendolyn's personality must be, given how she feels as she is “destined to suffer”. It is later shown that the phantom bird that follows her around may actually be the “voice”, or phantom of her deceased sister, Griselda.
The Valkyrie Princess shows great loyalty to those she cares for; the most prominent is the Demon Lord Odin, her father. It is due to this unwavering stance that she is known throughout the realm of Ragnanival as “Odin's Witch”. Gwendolyn also attempts to hide her fear when she frees the Witch of the Forest, Velvet, from being executed; the Blue Bird notices she is trembling, and asks if she regrets her actions. However, just like her unwavering loyalty, Gwendolyn always believes in her actions, and attempts to live a life where she regrets nothing. Like most ideals, this is easier said than done. She also shows great respect to those whom are able to defeat her, if not a hint of jealousy or disdain at being bested at something she considers herself great at. However, Gwendolyn does not brood upon it. Being an honorable soldier, as well as a Princess, she is able to accept defeat gracefully (however, in her world, being defeated in battle means the opposing team should save the other the humiliation of returning home undefeated, and kill them on the battlefield),
If anything, Gwendolyn, while a valkyrie, is a young woman whom would love nothing more than to... well, be loved. Despite her beauty, or how hard she tries to excel in what she does, it never seems enough for her father, who so easily showed the love craved all her life towards Velvet, the daughter who had forsaken him. Living her life as a warrior princess, as well as the notion that being with a man would only bring about suffering, also tarnished any desire to go out and pursue a relationship with a man. However, at chivalrous and handsome men, Gwendolyn often finds herself momentarily speechless, though attempts to hide her embarrassment behind words that exude confidence (even if she is not entirely sure of it). She very rarely smiles, but this is only because she has had very little to smile about. Gwendolyn is more on the serious side, and her attitude and demeanor is generally calm and collected, though not stoic.
With the beautiful wings fitted to her hips, Gwendolyn has the ability to fly and glide through the air, which she uses for her aerial attack style. Her main weapon is a Psypher Spear, which is used in the same fashion as a normal one, more suited for mid to long-range combat. The glowing blue crystal tip on the end of the spear is known as a “Phozon Crystal:”, which can only be found in the Netherworld. The crystal absorbs Phozons: the life energy of a person, which appears as beautiful, glowing purple stars or diamonds (so any soul or life energy will do, as “Phozon” is just the term they use to describe it). Phozons only appear after a person has died, and their life energy is dispersed (though there are a few plants that release Phozons as well). The Phozon charges the Psypher Spear in order to do a range of magic attacks, however, even if there are no Phozon's present for Gwendolyn to collect, the Psypher is not worthless, and enhances the users natural ability just by wielding it. The Psypher Spear can unleash Cyclones, a penetrating blast of Phozon energy, and even make the user invisible/intangible for a short period of time, as well as create a shadow double which mirrors their attacks for a small segment of their combat. The blue crystal signifies it was grown naturally in the Netherworld. Red Crystals mean that it was created artificially. If the weapon is broken, it can only be fixed by dwarfs, or a very skilled magician or mechanic whom has any skill with preparing magical weaponry. Unspoken, as the Spear is Gwendolyn's weapon, she is very skilled with it as the Commander of the Valkyries. Without the spear, she shows very little prowess in battle, though of course being a soldier, she will not give up without a fight.
[Affection] Gwendolyn is unused to affection, so the most she would do if touched is pull away, or command to be unhanded. However, she usually becomes flustered about it and forgets to do so all together. Anything is open, however!
[Fighting] Gwendolyn is a warrior for the gods, her father. She has the ability to slay the Goddess of Death and demolish the Netherworld. However, while she is a brilliant fighter in her own right, none of it would have been possible without the magic contained in her Psypher Spear. Of course, only a warrior such as her self could wield it. Being a Valkyrie, she lives to do battle, and will gladly take on any opponent who challenges her. Yes, fighting is all right, as well as killing her (as long as the character is capable of defeating her in combat). Gwendolyn’s people actually strive for death on the battlefield, as they see it as honorable, and the only way to obtain an immortal soul. Just talk with me, and we will be able to work something out!
[Other Permissions] I am pretty much open to anything! Usually the only reason I say no is if I already have something planned or if I’m waiting for a specific time for certain information to be unleashed or... what have you. Don’t be afraid to ask me!
[Other Facts] She just wants to be loved. ;A;