I just found this in my hard drive... I had completely forgotten I wrote it last year for a friend's fanzine in Spanish. Me, being the complete retard I actually am was completely unable to write in my mother tongue, and now after I read it, it does sound more Spanish (from America) than actual Castillian (from Spain). Long story short, I had to write it in English and then translate it to my own language... duh. And I never posted it anywhere because I forgot I wrote it after the fanzine my friends were making didn't get to be done
So I'm posting it now mostly so I don't forget its existence again... it's not much but I kind of like it.
Titulo: Sin Salida
Autor: Aleia /
avissFandom: Bleach
Pareja: Grimmjow/Ichigo
Clasificación: PG-13
Sin Salida
- ¡Tengo que salir de aquí! ¡No me puedo quedar sin hacer nada mientras Aizen destruye a mi familia y tolo lo que me importa! - Ichigo espetó antes de marcharse del lado de los supervivientes restantes, empeñado en negarse a creer que lo que Kenpachi y los demás le decían pudiese ser cierto. No había forma de salir de Hueco Mundo sin Urahara.
Y ahora se había perdido.
A su alrededor solo había arena y vacío. Hueco Mundo se extendía en todas direcciones, nada más que desierto y cielo.
Miro a su alrededor, considerando la situación. ¿Por donde había venido? No había nada que le indicase, podía haber estado andando en círculos por lo que él sabía. Sus hombros cayeron, Ichigo tenia que admitir aunque fuese solo para él mismo que no iba a encontrar la salida de ese sitio él solo.
- ¿Ya estas cansado, Shinigami?
Ichigo levanto la cabeza de golpe, sus ojos entrecerrándose.
Parado a apenas unos pasos sonriendo sardónicamente estaba Grimmjow. Estaba completamente recuperado de su pelea, probablemente gracias a la ayuda de Orihime y la Capitán Unohana. Había estado cerca de la muerta cuando Ichigo se marchó, demasiado preocupado por la lucha en Karakura para pensar en el bienestar de Grimmjow.
- ¿Qué haces aquí, Grimmjow? - preguntó cansadamente, demasiado agotado para pelear de nuevo con el sicótico Espada. - ¿Y como me has encontrado?
- No ha sido difícil, no con la forma en que desprendes ese monstruoso reiatsu tuyo. Me sorprende que no te haya atacado un Hollow, pero bueno eres tan afortunado como estúpido.
Ichigo le lanzó una mirada furiosa. - No tengo tiempo para esto, Grimmjow, - dijo continuando su camino.
- Ese no es el camino de salida, Shinigami. ¿No escuchaste al bicho raro del pelo pincho? Solo una Garganta puede llevarte a casa.
Ichigo se encogió de hombros. - Me arriesgaré. No pienso esperar a que acabe la lucha para ser rescatado.
Grimmjow soltó una carcajada. - Realmente eres estúpido, Shinigami. ¿Aun no te has dado cuenta?
Ichigo se detuvo y se giró bruscamente, enfurecido. - ¿Darme cuenta de que? No podemos abrir una Garganta sin Urahara, solo un Espa… - Parpadeó, cerrando la boca con un fuerte chasquido. Grimmjow levantó una ceja. - ¡Tú!
Otra carcajada. - Quizás aun hay esperanza para ti.
- Tú puedes abrir una Garganta. - Realmente era tonto por no darse cuenta antes. Grimmjow había ido en varias ocasiones a la Tierra; por supuesto que podía abrir una Garganta.
- Si.
¿Qué estaban haciendo ahí entonces? Tenían que regresar y sacar a los otros de Hueco Mundo también para unirse a la batalla. Se dio la vuelta. Grimmjow aun le miraba con esa expresion divertida. Ichigo entrecerró los ojos. - ¿Qué sacas tu de esto? ¿Por qué nos ayudas en contra de tu Amo?
- No tengo Amo, - Grimmjow dijo calmadamente. - Y mi ayuda no es gratis.
Debería haberlo imaginado, realmente debería. Su mano agarrando Zangetsu automáticamente, Ichigo se preparó para pelear. Cualquiera que fuese el precio, iba a pagarlo. Tratándose de Grimmjow, Ichigo sabía el coste de su ayuda.
Grimmjow simplemente sacudió la cabeza, sonriendo sarcásticamente. - Esa es una buena idea, Shinigami, pero no ahora.
Ichigo dejo caer su mano, confundido. - ¿Qué quieres de mi entonces?
Sin siquiera verle moverse, Grimmjow estaba parado frente a él, tan cerca que Ichigo podía sentir su aliento en el rostro. Sorprendido, dio un paso hacia atrás solo para ser detenido por una mano rodeando su cintura.
- Lucharemos, eso te lo prometo Shinigami, - dijo Grimmjow, sus ojos fijos en el rostro de Ichigo. - Mas tarde, después… no importa. Lucharemos, y esta vez te venceré. - Su boca descendió sobre la de Ichigo, presionando con fuerza contra sus labios.
Ichigo parpadeó, sorprendido, y se retorció para soltarse. Recordó entonces: cualquiera que fuese el precio, iba a pagarlo.
Dejó de resistirse y con un suspiro de resignación abrió la boca para darle entrada a la lengua lamiendo sus labios. El beso era brusco y crudo, casi doloroso, Ichigo se encontró respondiendo, presionando contra la boca de Grimmjow y persiguiendo su lengua con la suya, sus respiraciones saliendo en roncos jadeos.
Sus manos se movieron al pelo de Grimmjow, sus dedos enredándose en los mechones ridículamente azules mientras un cosquilleo bajaba por sus miembros. Con un sobresalto se dio cuenta que se estaba excitando.
Ichigo rompió el beso, tambaleándose hacia atrás un paso y mirando a Grimmjow acusadoramente. - ¿Es eso lo que querías? Vale, lo tienes, ahora llevame con mis amigos y devuelvenos a Karakura, - dijo, tratando aun de recuperar el aliento y furioso consigo mismo por dejarse llevar.
- Eso, Ichigo, - dijo Grimmjow llamándole por su nombre por primera vez, - no es nada. Solo el principio. No lo suficiente para satisfacerme. - le miró de arriba a abajo. - Y no lo suficiente para satisfacerte a ti tampoco.
Ichigo se estremeció, su mente proporcionándole las imágenes de lo que seria necesario para satisfacer a Grimmjow. Tenía razón, pero madito fuera si Ichigo iba a admitirlo. Tenía asuntos más urgentes que atender.
- De acuerdo, - espeto, acercándose de nuevo a Grimmjow para ser de nuevo detenido por una mano en su hombro.
- Mas tarde, después… - dijo Grimmjow sorprendiendo a Ichigo de nuevo. - Tus amigos aguardan y ahora hay gente a la que matar. Esto puede esperar.
Ichigo asintió, mudo.
Regresaron donde el resto de los shinigami y de sus amigos estaban.
- ¡Te tomaste tu tiempo, Espada! - dijo Renji cuando finalmente llegaron.
Grimmjow le ignoró, mirando a Ichigo mientras abría una Garganta lo bastante ancha para que pasasen.
- No te atrevas a morir ahora, Shinigami, - Grimmjow dijo cuando Ichigo pasó junto a él, la batalla en Karakura ya visible en el otro lado. - No he terminado contigo.
Ichigo le miró con una ceja levantada; casi se podía pensar que Grimmjow estaba preocupado por él, pero Ichigo sabia la verdad.
Presionó sus labios contra los de Grimmjow, con suficiente fuerza para dejar marca. - Más tarde. Después.
La risa de Grimmjow le siguió hasta Karakura.
Title: No Way Out
avissPairing: Grimmjow/Ichigo
Rating: NC-13
Summary: Everything has a price, Ichigo enjoys paying it
Notes: This was written a long time ago... I think before the Pendulum Arc or so, so it might not consider a few changes in canon, then again, there hasn't been much of a change where these two are concerned.
No Way Out
"I have to go there! I can't stay here doing nothing while Aizen destroys my family and everything that's ever mattered to me!" Ichigo snapped before storming away from the gathered survivors, stubbornly refusing to believe that Kenpachi and the rest were right. There was no way out of Hueco Mundo without Urahara.
And now he was lost.
All around him there was only sand and emptiness. Hueco Mundo extended in every direction, nothing but desert and sky.
He looked around, considering. Which way did he come from? There was nothing to tell him, he could have been walking in circles for all he knew. His shoulders sagging, Ichigo admitted to himself he was never going to find the way out of that place on his own.
"Tired already, Shinigami?"
Ichigo's head snapped up at the voice, his eyes narrowing.
Standing just a few feet away, smirking, was Grimmjow. He was fully recovered from their fight, probably helped along by Orihime and Unohana-Taichou. He had been close to death when Ichigo left, too concerned about the fight in Karakura to think about Grimmjow's well being.
"What are you doing here, Grimmjow?" he asked wearily, too tired to get into another fight with the psychotic Espada. "And how did you find me?"
"It wasn't hard, what with you leaking that monstrous reiatsu of yours all over the place. I'm surprised you haven't been attacked by a Hollow, but then you are as lucky as you are stupid."
Ichigo glared at him, "I have no time for this, Grimmjow," he said walking past him.
"That's not the way out of here, Shinigami. Didn't you hear that spiky haired weirdo? Only a Garganta can take you home."
Ichigo shrugged. "I'll take my chances. I'm not going to wait for the fight to be over so we can be rescued."
Grimmjow laughed harshly. "You really are stupid, Shinigami. You haven't realized yet?"
Ichigo stopped and turned round, furious. "Realized what? We can't open a Garganta without Urahara, only Espa--" He blinked, closing his mouth with a loud snap. Grimmjow arched an eyebrow. "You!"
Another laugh. "Maybe there's hope for you."
"You can open a Garganta." He was really a fool for not realising sooner. Grimmjow had gone several times to Earth to fight him; of course he could open a Garganta.
What were they doing there, then? They needed to go back and get the others out of Hueco Mundo and back to the fight. He turned around. Grimmjow was still looking at him with that amused expression. Ichigo narrowed his eyes. "What's in this for you? Why would you help us against your Master?"
"I have no Master," Grimmjow said calmly. "And my help is not for free, anyway."
He should have expected it, he really should have. His hand going automatically to Zangetsu, Ichigo got ready for the fight. Whatever the price, he was going to pay it. And this being Grimmjow, Ichigo knew the cost of his help.
Grimmjow just shook his head, smirking. "That's a good idea, Shinigami, but not now."
Ichigo dropped his hand, puzzled. "Then, what you want from me?"
Before he had even seen him move, Grimmjow was standing in front of him, so close Ichigo could feel his breath on his face. Startled, he took a step back, only to be stopped by a hand sneaking around his waist.
"We'll fight, that's a promise Shinigami," Grimmjow said, his eyes intent on Ichigo's face. "Later, after--I don't care. We'll fight, and this time I'll beat you." His mouth descended over Ichigo's, pressing strongly against his lips.
Ichigo blinked, shocked, and struggled to get free. He remembered, then: whatever the price he was going to pay it.
He stopped and with a resigned sigh opened his mouth to grant entrance to the tongue licking his lips. The kiss was rough and raw, almost painful, and Ichigo found himself responding to it, pushing back against Grimmjow's mouth and chasing his tongue with its own, their breaths coming in harsh pants.
His hands moved to Grimmjow's hair, his fingers tangling in the ridiculously blue locks while a tingling feeling spread through his body. With a jolt he realized he was getting hard.
Ichigo broke the kiss stumbling back a step, and looked at Grimmjow accusingly. "Is this what you wanted? Fine, you got it, now take me back to my friends and all of us to Karakura," he said, still trying to catch his breath.
"That, Ichigo," Grimmjow said calling him by his name for the first time, "is nothing. Just the beginning. Not enough to satisfy me." He looked him up and down. "And not enough to satisfy you, either."
Ichigo shuddered, his mind supplying him with images of what it would take to satisfy Grimmjow. He was right, but damned if Ichigo was going to admit it. He had more pressing matters at hand.
"Fine," he spat, approaching Grimmjow again only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"Later, after--" Grimmjow said surprising Ichigo again. "Your friends are waiting, and there's people to kill now. This can wait."
Ichigo nodded speechless.
They went back to where the rest of the Shinigami and Ichigo's friends were waiting.
"Took you long enough, Espada!" Renji said when they finally arrived.
Grimmjow ignored him, looking at Ichigo while he opened a Garganta wide enough for them to pass.
"Don't you dare die now, Shinigami," Grimmjow said when Ichigo passed next to him, the battle at Karakura already visible on the other side. "I'm not done with you."
Ichigo looked at him arching an eyebrow, one would think Grimmjow was worried about his safety but he knew better.
He pressed his lips against Grimmjow's, hard enough to bruise. "Later. After."
Grimmjow's laugh followed him all the way to Karakura.