Dreamy ponderings

Apr 30, 2006 17:48

I dream about Douthart all the time. I miss it terribly. I miss the people, the atmosphere, the community... the pantry... :) I looked forward to being a college student for most of my life, and it really was all I expected it to be. And now that it's over I feel kind of lost. I spent a lot of time daydreaming about college, but not much time ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

hufflebutt May 1 2006, 01:43:48 UTC
I miss Douthart sometimes too, dude.
Then I remember shifts. :(
Remember the Taboo freshman year?! That rocked!
it's all about never having an orgasm...er...hickey I mean.


avistetto7 May 1 2006, 23:06:07 UTC
Actually I had totally forgotten that!! Haha how embarassing that was. But definitely good times :) Yeah shifts sucked but now I have an entire 2 bedroom apartment to clean so really, shifts don't sound that bad to me anymore.


arthenadent May 2 2006, 07:28:40 UTC
Haha, I still have the puzzle book with the sad Chantelle drawn in it ^_^


"I've never had one of these!!" angelburnsy May 1 2006, 03:38:14 UTC

Those were good days. And you will get back, you will get back to that joy. I know you will.


Re: "I've never had one of these!!" avistetto7 May 1 2006, 23:06:44 UTC
I hope so. Maybe I should join a commune :)


ekidwell May 1 2006, 12:18:15 UTC
I missed Douthart more right out of college than I do now, but I still miss the community aspect of it when I'm sitting at home all bored and shit.

I DON'T miss shifts or hall meetings or milk-cows exploding forth their creamy floods. I don't miss shifts but I do miss cooking with Anna for fun and profit. (Ok, not so much profit.)

Oh, and I miss not having to clean my own damn bathroom.


avistetto7 May 1 2006, 23:07:30 UTC
Teehee exploding milk-cows. Oh the things I have forgotten about Douthart! Those were the days...


I have no sense of pants. arthenadent May 2 2006, 07:31:44 UTC
Just remember that even when you were spending lots of time with other people, we all still loved you and were sad to see you go. And we all love our Chantelle to this day!


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