Between Haiti and Austrailia and now Japan, I feel like the world's going through one disaster after another. One thing I can be happy about is the African countries overthrowing their corrupt dictators one by one.
There's no garuntee things would be better, but at least the dictators were removed through the power of the people. I hope the revolutions continue until they none of those dictators are left...
...They are organized through the internet, so they have no leaders. They are quick and easy to organize and can reach a wide audiance very rapidly. With no leader, the resistances can't be toppled by a single death. But when they have no leader, it is easy to create chaos and turn people against each other. I read an article about how that makes the current revolutions less meaningful, but I merely see it as there being two different types of revolutions, both with their own strengths and weaknesses.
But thinking about it economically, Japan and Australia can recover and maybe even improve. There is potential for growth after the rubble clears. But Haiti is still in ruins. It depresses me to think it seems like we've forgotten, or that aid may be stretched too thin. I never used to think about governments before, but getting in economics made me realize how easily things can be screwed up and how very important it is NOT to. Corruption may get your way for a while, but with too much, the system collapses and everything gets worse.
I know I usually don't write about how I think about things like this. I think about this stuff all the time, but when I get to a computer, I can't seem to find the words. (Also, I feel like I need sources and articles to defend myself...blame all the essays and articles I've witten for 4 years.)
I know tomorrow I have to go to work and live just like it's any other day. But I hate feeling so detached. I think someday soon, I'll have to travel. One of my friends from school is just about the most interesting person I've ever met and he said travelling has changed him from an unmovitated slacker to who he is now. I don't hate myself. But when I think about how I saw these things as a kid, it all seemed like some fantasy thing, like a movie or T.V. show. When I was a kid, I didn't think it was wrong, because I grew up glued to the screen and it was all I knew. Only when I got older did I realize it was an awful way to think.
I'm not that person anymore, but I feel like I still need to change.
(I hope Yellowstone doesn't blow up before then.