awesome_ace and
emowandererLocation: Ophara
For: Anyone
Ace: *is wandering around in an area clearly marked "Authorized Personnel Only"* *is trying to figure out why everyone's here* *is sneaking around a corner when she runs into Skinny*
Ten: ACE! Acey Ace Ace Ace! *big smile!*
Ace: Who the hell are you?! *wary look*
Ten: *explains*
Ace: *cheeky laugh* Oh right, you're Skinny!
Ten: ... *pouts*
Ace: You really young!
Ten: *is already pulling his most charming grin*
Ace: *wags a finger at him* Don't! I've already chosen a Professor.
Ten: *frowns* Which one? The Odd One?
Ace: *frowns* The one with the Northern accent.
Ten: *crestfallen* Oh...right.
Ten & Ace: *discuss "things" while poking around* *discover that there's a transmat console there but that it's not being used often* *decide to be devious and steal a coke machine* *are just wheeling it back to his TARDIS*