So this is outside of the monthly theme. I just wanted to celebrate a television show taking a step back from storytelling crimes past.
The most criminal thing the Law and Order franchise has ever done to a female character was the departure of ADA Casey Novak from Special Victims Unit. For reasons beyond understanding she lied to a judge and
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Comments 19
Will be crossing my fingers in the hope that we'll get to see Casey again next season.
Yeah, an ethics violation was just way out of character for her. I like Cabot but I think it's clear Stephanie March doesn't want to do a full season.
I have screencaps from her entire time on SVU and I don't see any time when she's being hidden or shot in the ways that one hides a pregnancy.
I was surprised by how much I came to like the Casey Novak character. At first I couldn't stand her, but as time passed, I really warmed up to her. I do think TPTB need to find a permanent cast member for that slot, though; it's had an impact not only in stunt casting, but also in their storytelling, and I am not a big fan of letting meta influence canon (Dana Scully eating bee pollen, I'm looking at you).
For anyone interested, Diane Neal tweets (@DianeNeal) and has a website www (dot) dianeneal (dot) com. She's very friendly with her fans and enjoys interacting with them.
Every other month or so we run a theme, recent ones have been "women i'd take with me into a fight" and "under appreciated women" and the members post about one (or more) women that fit that theme broadly. Most of our membership procrastinates so we'll get most of the responses to the current theme "Women you'd hatch a conspiracy with" near the end of April.
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