Jul 02, 2005 13:56
I am Djing at Steve's thing tonight. I will go on early. Playing house music to alienate you.
Mar 04, 2005 11:20
my computer hurts real bad. its got a mad virus. would any of you have an anti-virus disc that I could borrow and install. i would be your best friend forever and give you a cd or something.
Sep 09, 2004 11:59
22 years ago today i was born.
ps somebody please send me a gmail invite.
Aug 12, 2004 12:16
September 4th back to California.
For my birthday i expect lots of weapons, a time machine, strippers, a job that supports my creativity and pays more than $30,000 a year, and a new right foot.
Jul 12, 2004 20:21
i'm leaving davis in the morning.
thank you all for making college interesting.
it will be hard to forget anything.
Jun 13, 2004 18:54
i am back in davis, california for the time being.