1. I'm getting my braces out today, and I'm so damn NERVOUS! OMG!
(last time when my dentist removed two brackets to reglue them in a different position it hurt. a lot.)
Hold my hand, please?
2. convo at work:
co-worker (slightly desperate): Bluuuuuueeeeeee!
me (looking into the room): Yes?
conversations with him are always fun, you just have to ignore that the only thing you'll ever see in this room is porn on every damn screen, that's why we always close his door. heeee.
co-worker (forcefully cheerful): You have a free wish, you can name the next movie whatever you like.
me (grinning): You're running out of title ideas again? Already?
co-worker: I've been using Part II, III and IV way too often lately.
me: sorry, but ever since "Die Masturbienchen" (that's like "The little Masturbees" *g*) I retired.
3. instead I had to work on the new kids'toys commercial. I hate that. I only have to "Europeanize" an American commercial, i.e. shorten it, re-edit it, add new packshots, logos, claim and graphics. The worst thing is that it has to be shortened to the half of its original length... and the storytelling has to be more for the market here.
They always send me a script and they always have a million of change requests afterwards. But lately I found the solution! ha! I see the script, and then I ignore it. And hey, wonderouswise, I get the approval in record time lately, and as it's going on air in like two weeks, this is much less stressful. heee.
4. I'm up to 1x11 of Torchwood. weee.
ETA: They're off. Hurt much less than last time, but I got a retainer on the inside and now I have a thlight lifp. It'th not cute!