Like everyone else I HAD FORGOTTEN IT WAS JOSS!
Why was I surprised? I should have known it. If there's fun there is ANGST and PAIN and stuff (to quote the Captain...)
Fillion was so so so awesome in his heroness here. I hate the homeless. Ness. ha! and his song *loves* and he totally had sex with Penny!
and then the doctor's evil spree was so entertaining.
An I loved the the fingirls/boys who didn't like Penny but totally would do the weird stuff. heee!
and then just like that. in all that fun, THEY HAD TO KILL THE LOVE OF THE DOCTOR'S LIFE.
NPH killed me with the delivering of his last line. dead. without a death ray.
I loved the whole lotta cameos though. It's like all the Mutant Enemy guys were there. Neat!