I got up early for it, even though I'm hangovery, but seeing that everyone on this show is drinking way to much I think I'm in good company ;)
I loved, I cried, I went What The Frak?, I laughed, I rolled my eyes, I cried more, I loved more, and in the end I did everything alltogether.
my personal cry baby cry moments
1. Lee saying "President of the colonies and admiral of the fleet departing"
- and then seeing THESE TWO getting on the ship.
Seriously, that totally got me. Bad, bad replacement for Bill&Laura.
2. "I owe you one"
Way to go, Boomer. You and the old man made me cry again. She really did repay him. When it counted. I've always had a softspot for Boomer.
3. The fleet going into the sun.
That was so much kitsch and melodrama, and it made me cry so much, and that was the old Battlestar Galactica theme in the score then, right? I could swear I've heard it, but I don't want to watch the scene again, because it made me cry. Goodbye, fleet. Goodbye, Anders.
4. Every frakkin' scene of Bill Adama right from saying goodbye to Lee&Kara.
Which pretty much means, I've cried through the whole ending. heeee.
The old man made me cry the most during the whole finale.
the WTF moments
1. Kara Thrace.
uhm, WHAT? That's the end of her storyline? Seriously? I feel cheated. It feels cheap. I'm not satisfied with this, you hear me stupid writers and producers and everyone who's responsible for that!
2. God is Gaius.
But, but, he is so small! and creepy. and has no sense of humor. Why would God want to look like that?
3. So how many Earths are there?
Does this mean we are on the Human/Cylon hybrid Earth? We are all half-Cylon? Or are we on Earth III. And if so, why didn't they find that Earth? And was Earth II not a very bad Sci-Fi series from the 90s (that I accidently kept watching, uhem...)? They confuse me... Also Hera as Eve is kinda, uhm, I don't know, disturbing?
4. The last scene 150,000 years later.
I was crying at that time, and then I started laughing so hard. And then I sobbed and laughed. The scene was so sad and so hilarious. And Mr. Moore's appearance totally threw me out of the scene, and personally I think the delivery of the lines was really bad. Tricia and James are usually way better, IMHO, and the way they played it made me not take it seriously. And so I laughed and cried because it was over and they ended it on that creepy note.
the niiiiiice moments
1. the fighting scenes.
one word: awesome.
2. the opera house vision.
niiiicely integrated.
3. "You are single minded. And have no sense of humor..."
Bill, the doc and Tigh chuckling. Might be one of my favorite scenes of the finale.
I love these three.
4. the score.
much love for the music. much, much love.
the random things
1. the chief.
oh, no. Don't be lonely for the rest of the days. You can come visit me.
2. the Tighs.
It's good to see the Colonel happy. He deserves it.
3. Six&Gaius.
are funny. I admit it. I still don't like them very much. But they are funny.
4. the Agathons.
I never got the huge Agathons love that seems to be going around, but it's nice to see they made it.
5. Lee
To quote Spike: ...you have stupid hair!!
Frak, I'll miss them.