please read the FAQ before posting any questions. thanks a lot
I won't answer questions that are already answered in the MTFAQ (more than frequently asked questions...)
this is a post for everyone outthere
- who is lazy and/or impatient
- whose fandoms rarely get iconned
- who enjoys experimenting
- who wants their Photoshop teach Erich's skills *g*
- who has great text ideas but no time to make the icon bases
- who is generally interested in strange (new) techniques
- who just wants to see what this action thing is all about...
after you've downloaded and installed these actions (Photoshop 7.0) you will be able to do these and more icons with one click. or two... (and that's literally)
The Download
The Actions (right click and save as)
The Installation
1) Download the zip-file.
2) Leave a comment *g*
3) unpack the zip file and put the atn-files in the PS action folder
-> you can find it (probably) under this path: Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Presets\Photoshop Actions
3) Open your Photoshop (in case it isn't already open...)
4) Go to your Actions pallette, that's the one probably located next to your History Pallette
if it isn't already open, go to Windows-Actions to open it.
5) Load the new Actions by clicking on the arrow on the upper right side and choosing Load Actions...
6) Load all four awmp_actionsets.
Don't rename them. they are calling each other.
I'm afraid you have to live with these names *g*
How to use them
1) Open the screencap of your choice
2) In your Actions Pallette choose one of the styles (for a full icon choose the Full folder, duh!)
3) if it is a large cap (from DVDs) choose the normal styles (originally intended for 1024x576 px)
for small caps from avis etc. choose the small styles (originally intended for 640x368 px)
they work for other sizes, too, though
4) after you selected a style it is highlighted, then hit the play button on the bottom of the pallette.
5) wait a few seconds while your Photoshop is doing all the work for you.
6) you're finished.
7) or you can add some text or brushes if you want.
A. use only a Colorncrop and resize it in the end (the Resize_to_100 is an action in the Colorncrop folder)
B. use a only a Coloring and then crop it yourself...
C. use a Coloring of your choice (your own or one of mine) crop it yourself and add a Finish (this will do the same as the Full sets with the same name but with your own base)
Attention: all Finishes only work with 200x200 bases and a resolution of 100 pixels/inch!!!
D. use a Colorncrop with another Finish (you can combine all Colorings with all Styles)...
E. use a Colorncrop and add your own brushes/styles/text
F. use a Coloring, crop it yourself and add your own brushes
the possibilites are nearly endless *g*
Attention: the Colorings are made for icon size. they look awful (way too contrasty and grainy) on bigger pix, but will work great (at least sometimes) on little icons.
plus the colorings will not work on any screencap, you'll see what I mean when you're experimenting with them ;)
The Styles
all the actions depend on the original caps you're using, if they are light or dark, if the main content is more on the left or the right, if they are close-ups or total shots and so on...
that's why you can use the actions after a modular design principle... with the seperated colorings and finishes... but it's also fun to hit just the full styles button and see what your PS comes up with ;)
to show you the differences I used all the colorncrops and the full styles with these four caps
(credit to
_jems_ for the caps)
Blue crop (named after my name not after the color, just saying *g*)
Orange crop
Peach crop
Lilac crop
Darklight crop
Darknessfalls crop
Creamy crop
Jolie crop
Lighted crop
Rhabarber crop
Artsy Boxes
that's the only one I always adjust by hand afterwards. just move the top layer to the position you like and cut the rest of this layer.
Orange Juice
Jaffa Cake
Old Peach
Violets are Blue
Out of the Light
Simply Shiny
With a Cherry on Top
FAQ: Known issues/problems and the solutions...
aka if you would have read all of the above you wouldn't have these problems... just saying...
- If you get the Error message: Could not use the custom shape tool because the specified shape is not available...
if you're using PS CS or haven't All Default Custom Shapes loaded you will get the following Error Message:
Could not use the custom shape tool because the specified shape is not available
if this is the case make sure you have All Default Shapes loaded. Select your Custom Shape Tool, and right next to the little box where you can choose the shape of the shape there's this little arrow where you get a pull down menu that says 'Load Shapes...'. Select All, and everything should run smoothly.
if you have Photoshop CS you might wanna DL All Default Shapes of PS 7.0 first :)
- if your result looks like a huge mess of just some pixels without content
you might wanna check if your original pic is of the right resolution. you have to work with a resolution of 72 dpi for the original pics to make the actions work properly. if you're cropping all by yourself use 100 dpi instead for the optimum result.
- if your icon has lots of monochrome space on it and the pic is in one corner...
then you've used a pic of the wrong size. the actions are intended to work on screencaps of around 1024x576 px (normal) and 640x368 px (small). if your pic is of another size I can't promise good results. try to change the original pic to a size near one of these two...
- if your final icon looks blank...
I suggest that you make sure you've opened the screencap you were using and there was only one layer (the background layer) when you've started the action. if you paste a pic on another layer (even if it's only the original White/transparent background), it won't work.
- If you work with a different language version of Photoshop...
the actions just won't work properly. The Layers have to be called Layers and nothing else.
please comment if you're downloading and credit if you're using the actions :)